In today's mission video, which country is being highlighted?
What were the first words spoken by God in creation?
Let there be light!
Where is the Key Passage Verse found?
Psalm 104:24
Which holiday in the United States marks the end of the harvest season?
What ethnicity are the missionaries?
On what day did God create sea creatures and birds?
The 5th day
What is the Big Picture Question?
Who is God?
What is the most popular pie flavor during the fall season in the United States?
Pumpkin pie
What is the nickname of the hispanic missionary pastor?
How did God create man?
God took dust from the ground and made a man. God breathed His very own breath into the man, and the man became alive.
What is the answer to the Big Picture Question?
God is our Creator and the King of everything.
What is a common spice blend associated with fall that contains cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves?
Pumpkin spice
Throughout the video, what was Tino wearing that helped identify him?
A hat
What bone did God take from Adam to create Eve?
A rib
Recite Psalm 104:24
How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures.
Which type of nut is commonly associated with fall, especially for roasting?
What did the missionaries do at the wedding they were invited to?
Sang praise songs and shared about Jesus
What makes the creation of man different from the rest of creation?
Man is created in God's image, in His likeness.
Which month is known for the most vibrant fall colors in North America?
Everything God created was good. What does that tell us about God?
God is good and all He does is good. He created a garden for Adam and Eve as a place where they could be with Him and enjoy the good world He made.