Where in the Bible can we find this verse?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,..."
John 3:16
Who were the first couple in the Bible?
Adam and Eve
God's love is only for people who are good and follow all His rules.
False – God loves everyone, even when we make mistakes.
How does the Bible describe God's love?
a) Only for good people
b) Unconditional and everlasting
c) Only for people who follow all His rules
b) Unconditional and everlasting
The man was 100 years old and and the woman was 90 when God fulfilled His promise to give them a son.
Abraham and Sarah
True or False: We can earn God’s love by being good and following all His commands.
False – God’s love is a gift and cannot be earned.
Who does God love?
a) Only the people who follow all His commands
b) Only people who pray every day
c) Everyone, no matter what they do
Answer: c) Everyone, no matter what they do
He served his uncle Laban to marry his daughter.
Jacob and Rachel
God’s love is only shown in the Bible, not in our everyday lives.
False – God's love is shown in our lives every day through His care, guidance, and presence.
What should we do in response to God’s love?
a) Love God and others back
b) Follow every rule perfectly
c) Try to be perfect all the time
Answer: a) Love God and others back
Who is love?
He allowed her to gather some barley in his field.
Boaz and Ruth
True or False: Love is not a commandment, it's a responsibility.
False. Love is a commandment
John 13:34 states, "Love one another; as I have loved you". This verse is considered a commandment from Jesus to his disciples.
What does it mean that God’s love is eternal?
a) God will love us only for a short time
b) God loves us forever, without end
c) God’s love changes over time
Answer: b) God loves us forever, without end
How did God show His love for us?
He sent His one and only Son Jesus to die for our sins.
Abram ordered one of his servants to find a wife for his son. The woman offered the servant and his camel some water.
Isaac and Rebekah
True or False: God's love can never be taken away.
True – God's love is eternal and cannot be taken away.
What kind of love does God have for us?
a) Agapeb.) Phileo
c.) Storge
Answer: a) Agape
A divine, unconditional love, often described as the highest form of love