She prayed to God to give her a son.
Who is Samuel
He was the priest with whom Samuel lived
Who is Eli
God loved us so much that He gave us this
Who is Jesus (John 3:16)
According to 1John 4:8, "The person who does not love does not do this?"
What is "know God"
He told Samuel to say: "Speak Lord your servant is listening"
Who is Samuel
His name means: "Asked of God"
What is Samuel
He had two sons who did not respect God's laws
Who is Eli
Jesus did this for us because He loved us
What is "died"
According to 1John 4:8, God is this
What is "Love"
His father's name was Jesse
Who is David
He called Samuel's name in the middle of the night
Who is God
Eli thought that Hannah was this when she was praying to God
What is "drunk"
Godly love requires actions and not only words, True or False
God says you must love and hate your enemies. True or False
False, Jesus says that we are to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44)
God loves us because we deserve it and because we are good, true or false
False : God demonstrates His own love for us in this While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
He was the first king Samuel anointed
Who is Saul
Eli was doing this while God was speaking to Samuel..
What is "sleeping"
This is God's love letter to us
What is the Bible
According to "Douglas Talks" there are two types of love
What are worldly love and Godly love
Real love or Godly love is what you feel, True or False
False; Love is a choice. It is when you seek the highest good for someone else
He was the second king that Samuel anointed
Who is David
These are the names of Eli's sons
Who are Hophni and Phineas
Jesus said this is the second greatest commandment
What is "Love your neighbor as yourself"
Godly love is this: sacrificial or selfish
What is sacrificial
This is the greatest commandment
What is "love the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength"