Grow my brain
me out!
Things to do/think about before August
Feelings, ugh
Random facts

The power of yet is defined as...

What is the ability to accept that you are still learning something at your own pace.


Eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and making time to exercise are all part of...

What is self-care. Making sure we do these things helps us be the best version of ourselves, including how we manage stress. These are just basic needs and our mind and body start acting up when we don't get enough sleep/food/exercise.

You will need to memorize this in order to get in your locker.

What is your locker combination.


True or False: having depression is a sign of weakness and people just need to get over it.

What is false. Not getting help early on for depression can put your health at risk. Depression can happen for many different reasons (biological and situational). People that learn how to manage this, go on to lead happy, productive lives.

This bird is the most famous in the US.

What is a Turkey.


True or False: Either you are good at something or you're not. 

What is false: Everyone has a starting point but all of us have to work at doing something. Example: Kobe Bryant. He became the player he was after working every day for hours at a time. 


Working better under pressure and putting things off until the last minute.

What is procrastination. This is avoiding things and then bringing on unnecessary stress to ourselves and others around us (parents). Breaking down your work makes it easier to manage stress. Learning to do this now is super important! 


You will have this many teachers in middle school.

What is 6. Most of the time your homeroom teacher is already one of your teachers from another period.


True or False: Talking about your feelings with a friend is the same as talking with a therapist.

What is false. Your friends are kids like you and they might not know how to help you. It's important to have a friend to talk to but having a professional is more likely going to help rule out you're not dealing with a medical condition that could get worse if untreated. Your friend might also take on more than they can handle and sometimes it can affect them too.


This planet spins backwards.

What is Venus.


The idea that you are born with talent or intelligence and no matter how hard you try, you can't ever be as good as other people.

What is a fixed mindset


True or False: Stress is a normal part of life.

What is true. There are different types of stress: positive, tolerable, and adverse. Positive stress, is getting in front of a group to do a presentation! Tolerable stress has to do with difficult things that happen (such as the loss of someone close to us). Adverse stress is long term stress that goes unsupported and for a long time.


True or False: Asking for help in middle school is not allowed or encouraged.

What is false. The teacher expects you to ask for help and to reach out when you need it. It is important to do this because you are one of many students the teacher has and speaking up is the best way to make sure you understand the information.


Feeling down and hopeless, changes in sleep or eating patterns, feeling angry or frustrated more than usual for several days (2 weeks or more), can be a sign or symptom of this mental illness.

What is depression.


This mammal is the only one that can fly.

What is a bat.


True or False: Getting a 4 or an A is what means you're smart.

What is false: Your effort (making time to study, taking notes in class, and doing your homework) is what matters. If we focus on this, the grades will reflect on your effort.


Yell, We love Calahan

Bonus square


True or False: If I forget my PE clothes, water bottle, or lunch my parents can drop it off to me.

What is false. Many schools do not allow parents to bring food or PE clothes to their child. This is meant to help you realize there are natural consequences that will hopefully help you remember next time not to forget.

True or False: If my parent or family member has a mental health condition, it means I am going to have one.

What is false. You are more likely to have one, but it is not 100% guaranteed that you will have one. It's helpful to know your family medical history to look for signs or symptoms early on. The sooner someone gets treatment, the least likely it is to have a long term impact.

A unicorn is the national animal for this country.

What is Scotland.


Many people are afraid of this when it comes to why they give up.

What is failure. Many people think if they fail, they're not good at something and give up. Many times, this keeps them from taking a chance to learn something new. Which means we don't learn! If we learn to accept the failure as a miss, we can think about what we can do differently next time.


Suddenly feeling your heart beating fast, having a hard time breathing/talking, and uncontrollable shaking hands/legs are a sign of...

What is a Panic Attack. Unlike anxiety, a panic attack can interrupt at any point in time without warning. We all can get a little anxious when we are doing something new, or when we are nervous about doing a good job. Anxiety becomes a problem when it keeps us from doing things or is so hard that you can't control your body's response. Frequent panic attacks are like that and are treatable.


True or False: Fighting in middle school is not a big deal. 

What is False. Depending on the fight, school police can get involved and this goes in your record. 


Cutting, burning, and deep scratches are considered this condition

What are self-harming behaviors. People who experience this need to speak with someone they trust to get help for this ASAP. The sooner the better! Not everyone that self-harms has thoughts of dying but it can be something that happens accidentally. If you or someone you know is going through this, please talk to someone you trust to help that person. It's better to have your friend alive and mad at you for sharing, rather than not around because something happened.


In Alaska, it is illegal to do this while moose-hunting.

Whisper in someone's ear.
