Name 3 BTS Verticals
What is Projects, Entertainment, Government Contractor, Private Equity
This person serves as the Transient sales connection on the BD team
Who is Vicki Clewell?
Hilton's new full service brand that will compete directly with JW Marriott, Marriott Marquis, and Grand Hyatt.
What is Signia Hilton?
This is an example of an OBT (Online Booking Tool) commonly used (name 1)
What is Concur, GetThere, TripActions?
This is threshold to become a fully managed BTS Account
What is $8M overall transient spend?
What is the new direct URL you can share with hotels when they have Business Development-related questions?
What is
This person serves as the contracting and onboarding SME for Business Development
Who is Christina Sheppard?
Recently opened in our Nation’s Capital and featuring either 1 or 2 King beds in all their guestrooms
What is the Hilton Washington DC National Mall?
This team manages the relationship between Hilton and 3rd Parties like American Express and BCD Travel
What is GTP (Global Travel Partnership)?
This is the threshold to become a BTS Connect account
What is $5M overall transient spend?
These are important questions you can ask a customer to help qualify them for transient support (minimum 3)
What is.....
1) your annual Transient Spend
2) Your annual Transient Spend w/ Hilton
3) Do you have a Travel agency
4) Is your program net, non commissionable
5) Are you willing to move market share to Hilton?
This person serves as the Government Contractor BTS representative
Who is Kevin Magdon?
These are the typical components of a Project Stay
What is 3+ Travelers, 3+ nights, 3+ Consecutive weeks?
Within a PRIVATE EQUITY account, these are all the smaller companies that the firm manages
What are Portfolio Companies?
This is the targeted annual commitment for BTS to manager a transient customer
What is $2M Hilton transient spend?
Name 2+ resources you can use to "Pass the Ball" to Business Development
What is BD Survey,, Vicki Clewell, Lobby Resources/flyers, QR Business Cards
This person can identify BTS and SMB opportunities and submit them to BD and BTS
Who is ME!
What are the three types of "hybrid model" pricing that make up a BTS Managed Account agreement?
What is Static, Dynamic and Chainwide?
This tool is frequently used to source annual Transient RFPs, Projects and Groups between clients and hotels
What is Cvent Lanyon?
This is the current annual spend a customer would need to achieve to keep a SMB program in motion
What is 100K?
List 3+ benefits to having a BTS NSO supporting your customer's program
What is Customized Pricing, Global Support, Promotions, Rate Loading, RFP Sourcing, Reporting, Fires & Favors?
This is the best time to "Go Wide" with your customer
When is ANYTIME... QBRS, Monthly Meetings, Onboarding Calls?
These are the benefits of having Dynamic Pricing (Minimum 2 of 3 examples)
What is LRA, Multiyear and Time Savings?
If I want to learn more about a customer that Business Development is currently working with, I would look here in SalesForce
These are the requirements to become a BTS Managed Project Customer
What is $1M annual Hilton spend and over 60% project base?