During the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, Claude is just as interested in winning this as he is in gaining glory
What is the prize?
This member of the house rarely passes a conversation without mentioning the Blade Breaker Jeralt
Who is Leonie?
After reuniting with Claude, this is the first thing he invites you to do
What is eat some nomz?
Memes are consistently made about Claude’s tendency to do this (as seen on the box art of the game)
What is hang upside down?
In their supports, Claude continually bugs this person because of their young age
Who is Lysithea?
At the ball, Claude will force Byleth to do this regardless of their gender
What is dance? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This character enjoys fancy tea and monitoring Claude
Who is Lorenz?
After taking Fort Merceus, the group is warned by the Death Knight about these coming to destroy the fort
What are javelins of light?
Claude’s eyes are this color
What is green?
In their B support, Ignatz shows this to Marianne
What is a [beautiful] sunset?
Following the events of the chapel battle, Claude asks Byleth to borrow this item of Jeralt’s
What is his diary?
Besides Hilda, this is the only other member of the Golden Deer with pink eyes
Who is Lysithea?
Claude’s right hand man turns out to be Nader masquerading as a guy by this name
What is Nardel?
While Claude is half-Almyran, he also has some heritage stemming from this country
What is Fódlan?
Throughout their supports, Hilda helps this person find a good gift for their sister back home
Who is Raphael?
When female Byleth collapses after merging with Sothis, Claude gets this person to carry her back
Who is Hilda?
He is the second son of a merchant family, meaning he won’t inherit the business and thus must train to be a knight
Who is Ignatz?
Early on, the Golden Deer are joined by this person from House Daphnel
Who is Judith?
One of Claude’s hobbies is this, something useful for incapacitating enemies when not nearby them
What is making poison?
In their supports, this person keeps pegging Byleth for not appreciating Jeralt
Who is Leonie?
I’m the cutscene depicting the battle of Garreg Mach, Claude is seen using this weapon in favor of his usual bow
What is a sword?
This person wishes their overprotective brother would just leave them the hekk alone
Who is Hilda?
After self-destructing Shambhala, Thales awakens this tyrant thought to have been vanquished a millennium ago
Who is Nemesis?
Upon reuniting with Claude, Byleth discovers that he has grown this on his face
What is a beard?
In their C support, this person smashes headfirst into Flayn while running
Who is Ignatz?