Bacterial, Viral, Fungal and Parasitic Infection
Fluid Imbalances
Electrolyte Imbalances
Fundamental Concepts

Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Prions and Parasites

What are pathogens?


Lack of fluid in the body, from insufficient intake or excessive loss. 

What is dehydration?



What is the expected reference range for Potassium?


Clients name, DOB, telephone number or nurses can use barcode scanners. 

What are client identifiers for safe medication administration and error reduction?

Use water, soap and friction; for at least 15 seconds, complete this after contact with anything in clients room or contact with contaminated items. 

What are steps to take when preforming hand hygiene? 


Respiratory tract, GI tract, GU tract, Skin/mucous membranes, Blood/body fluids and Reproductive tract.

What are portal of exit from the host during the infection process?


Too much fluid in the body from excessive intake or ineffective removal from the body. 

What is overhydration?


136-145 mEq/L

What is the expected reference range for sodium?


ensure prescription is complete using the read back method to the provider, ensure spelling is correct using aids, write or enter the prescription in the clients medical record. 

What are actions to take when receiving a telephone prescription?


Select proper size cuff, place cuff 1 inch above AC, estimate systolic pressure, deflate cuff and wait 1 min, position stethoscope over brachial, close pressure bulb, quickly inflate cuff, release pressure, continue to deflate cuff until sounds muffle.  

What are steps to access clients BP?


Allows body to make antibodies in response to a foreign organism (antigen).

What is specific adaptive immunity?


Hyperventilation, prolonged fever, diabetic ketoacidosis, insufficient water intake, diabetes insipidus, osmotic diuresis and excessive intake of salt, salt tablets or hypertonic IV fluids. 

What are risk factors for dehydration? 


9-10.5 mg/dL

What is the expected reference range for calcium? 


Place client in protective environment, neutropenic precautions, no fresh fruits or flowers, client wear mask when out of the room. 

What is caring for an immunocompromised client? 


select site from which to collect blood, cleanse site, pierce skin, whip away first drop, place drop of blood on test strip, read meter, apply cotton ball over site and dispose of supplies. 

What are steps to collect specimen using the blood glucose monitor at bedside?


Causative agent, reservoir, portal of exit from host, mode of transmission, portal of entry to the host and susceptible host

What is the infection process?


water replacement without electrolyte replacement, excessive water intake, SIADH, excessive administration of D5W, use of hypotonic solutions for irrigations, enemas.

What are risk factors for overhydration? 


Tachycardia, hypothermia, hypotension, fatigue, decreased DTRs, seizure, hyperactive bowel sounds, muscle weakness with possible respiratory compromise. 

What are expected findings of hyponatremia?


Encourage young adults to get a PCP for routine medical care, educate young adults on using contraception and engaging in regular physical activity, regular dental checkups are important for young adults. 

What are teaching appropriate health promotion guidelines for a young adult? 


taking BP supine, sitting and standing. 

What is obtaining orthostatic blood pressure?


Environmental (smoking), Medication therapy (glucocorticosteroids), Chronic disease (diabetes mellitus), Internal factors (stress) and age (older adult).

What are risk factors for developing an infection? 


tachycardia, confusion and seizures. 

What are expected findings of both dehydration and overhydration?


Diminished DTRs, muscle paralysis, decreased RR, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, prolonged PR interval and lethargy. 

What are expected findings of Hypermagnesemia? 


turn or change position for immobile clients every two hours, pad bony prominences and provide hygiene care and offer elimination means. 

What are actions to prevent skin breakdown? 


Purposeful use of communication to build and maintain relationship with client. Demonstrate empathic presence by appearing relaxed and comfortable (facing client), use of active listening, use of open ended questions and offering of self. 

What is therapeutic communication? 
