What year was golf invented?
What is 1457
Very famous player with a drink named after them.
Who is Arnold Palmer.
How many PGA events has Tiger Woods placed first in?
What is 82
What is commonly referred to as the 'dance floor'?
What is the green
What is the youngest age to ever win on tour?
What is 18
Where was golf invented?
What is Scotland
Famous golfer who's sons name is Charlie.
Who is Tiger Woods
What is the name for a hole-in-one on a par four or a 2 on a par five?
What is an albatross
A chunk of dirt that is the result of a golf shot.
What is a divot
What is the oldest age to win on tour?
What is 52
Which state had the first golf course?
What is West Virginia
Who was possibly the best golfer in the retired as an amateur?
Who is Bobby Jones
At what age did Tiger Woods make his first hole-in-one?
What is 8 years old
A slang name for a golf shot (not a putt) in which the ball never gets but a few feet off the ground.
What is a 'worm burner'
Who is the oldest person to win on tour?
Who is Sam Snead
How many countries in the world do NOT have golf courses?
What is 45 (206 do)
Famous tour player with the last name player.
Who is Gary Player.
How many Tour events has Tiger Woods played in?
What is 1,031
What is the term for setting the heel of the golf club on the ground?
What is grounding
When was the PGA Tour founded?
What is 1968
How many times has golf been banned?
What is 3
What is the first name of the player with the last name Bhatia?
Who is Akshay (Bhatia)
What is the name for a hole-in-one on a par five?
What is a condor
A shot that is mishit on the top half of the ball with the heel of the club.
What is a skull
Who is the youngest person to win on tour?
Who is Charles Kocsis