28 x 2
What is 56?
22 x 11
What is 242?
This is the word form for 102
What is two to the power of ten OR the second power of ten?
The property used in this problem:
12 + 7 = 7 + 12
What is the commutative property of addition?
How many zeros are in the product
(6 x 5) x 103
4, but only three are from the power of 10.
36 x 5
What is 180?
35 x 30
What is 1,050?
The value of 102
What is 100?
We use this property in this problem:
5 + (8 + 14) = (5 + 8) + 14
What is the associative property of addition?
Bella has 6 rolls of dimes there are 50 dime in a roll. How many dimes does Bella have?
What is 300?
48 x 8
What is 288?
43 x 42
What is 1,806?
The value of 7 x 103
What is 7,000?
We use this property in this problem:
13 + 0 = 13
What is the identity property of addition?
It is 3,441 miles round trip to Bob's aunt's house. If he travels to her house 3 times this year, how many miles did he travel in all?
What is 10,323 miles?
78 x 6
What is 468?
49 x 19
What is 2,401?
The exponent form of 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
What is 105?
Name the two properties of multiplication used in these problems:
4 x 9 = 9 x 4 and
11 x (3 x 6) = (11 x 3) x 6
What is the Commutative and the Associative Property of Multiplication?
What is 480,000
99 x 8
What is 792?
58 x 92
What is 5,336?
Find the value of 8 x 100
What is 8?
This property is used in the following problem:
4 x 1 = 4
What is the Identity Property of Multiplication?
What does 64 mean.
What is 6 to the 4th power or what is 6x6x6x6