The Granite Oaks Middle School mascot.
What is a Falcon?
The three R's that make up the Falcon Creed.
What is being Respectful, Responsible and Resilient?
The Game Club meets 2 times a month for 7th and 8th graders during lunch, true or false.
What is True? The 7th grade meets in APrep and 8th grade meets in A8.
The names of the four seasons.
What is Summer, Fall (Autumn), Winter, and Spring?
The city GOMS is located.
What is Rocklin?
The name of the Granite Oaks Middle School Principal.
Who is Mr. Jay Holmes (last name only is ok)?
Showing kindness to others, using appropriate language, opening the door, and greeting your teachers are examples of this "R".
What is Respectful?
Something you can do in the library after school.
What is go to Math Lab, ELA lab, study with a buddy, read, look at books, research, wait for a ride, or work on homework (answers may vary)?
The common name for H2O?
What is water?
The capital of California.
What is Sacramento?
The name of one of the Assistant Principals at GOMS.
Who is Ms. Kari Auwae or Mr. Jeff Christensen (last name only is ok)?
Relaxing, being friendly, meeting new people, eating a snack, and seeing a teacher if needed are examples of this "R".
What is being Resilient?
One way to avoid plagiarism?
What is giving credit for the original idea, citing your work, or not copying answers (answers may vary)?
The words the acronym, Sci-Fi represents.
What is science fiction?
The name of the place you would find the Matterhorn, Pirates of the Carribean, and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
What is Disneyland?
The name of a club at GOMS.
What is Archery, Book, Broadcasting, Chess, CJSF, Creative Writing, Drama, Game, Gay-Straight Alliance, Looming for Love, Makerspace, Math Lab, Mural, Cyber Patriot, Running, Science Olympiad, Student Senate, Green Scene, or Yoga Club?
Picking up trash when you see it, recycling, and arriving to class on time are examples of this "R".
What is Responsible?
Part of speech that describes a person, place or thing.
What is a noun?
The organelle that is the powerhouse of the cell.
What is mitochondria?
One of the seven continents on earth.
What is Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia (or Oceania), or Antarctica?