Film & Popular Culture
Race & American Slavery
Historical Figures

This popular New York City zoo displayed African Americans behind bars, like gorillas. 

What is the Bronx Zoo?


This founding father owned hundreds of slaves, but only emancipated 8: 3 during his lifetime and the remaining 5 following his death. 

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


Reconstruction took place during this periodization.

What is the 19th century?


Which 2 Presidents discussed in the chapter owned slaves?

Who is George Washington & Thomas Jefferson?


What year was the Reconstruction deemed a failure?

What is 1890?


This 19th century novel's main character was rewritten from being a martyr for his community to an unthreatening, passive man who displayed fierce loyalty to his masters.

Who is Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin? 


Southerners defended their secession from the United States by citing this theory.

What is states' rights?


Following the Civil War, this was the principal focus of Reconstruction.

What is Black-White race relations?

Which President do “text books protect us “ from their racism?

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


What year did the Southern States and federal government push out the Indians?

What is 1830?

This 1939 film presents slavery as an ideal social structure whose passing is to be lamented.

What is Gone with the Wind?


“As for Sambo, whose wrongs moved the abolitionists to wrath and tears, there is some reason to believe that he suffered less than any other class in the South from its ‘peculiar institution.’" What peculiar institution is this 1950s textbook referring to?

What is slavery?


In 1890, this state's Constitution "legally" (defying the 14th and 15th Amendments) removed African Americans from citizenship.

What is Mississippi?


Name the President who won 11% of the Black vote but a whopping 57% of the white vote in the 2004 Presidential election.

Who is George W. Bush?

What decade did Haiti revolt against France?

What is the 1790s?


Fill in the blank:In the late 19th century, ______ featuring bumbling whites in blackface grew wildly popular from New England to California.

What is minstrel shows?


Fill in the blank: In 1526, 500 Spaniards and 100 black slaves founded a town in South Carolina, in which the slaves rebelled, killed their masters and fled to a neighboring group of people. This is one of the first examples of ________  in the United States. 

What is Indian-African-European race relations?


What is Loewen's critique about how Reconstruction was covered in 1980s and early 1990s textbooks?

Their rhetoric makes African Americans the "problem" instead of whites, and assumes that the major issue of Reconstruction was how to integrate African Americans into the system, economically and politically.


Name the African American athlete that 6 textbooks imply or state  was the first “Black player allowed in the major leagues” although he was not.

Who is Jackie Robinson?


Following their loss of the executive branch, slave owners suggested limiting federal power in what election year?

What is 1860?

This group of domestic terrorist organization's membership skyrocketed following the release of this early 20th century film.

What is Birth of a Nation?


This narrative suggests that slavery was a social structure of harmony and grace, which was not harmful to anyone, black or white.

What is magnolia myth?


How does Loewen define the Confederate myth of Reconstruction?

The misconception that following the Civil War, African Americans took over the governing of the Southern states, but they were too soon out of slavery, so they messed up and reigned corruptly, causing whites to take back control of the state governments.


Name the author of book The Red Record.

Who is Ida B. Wells?


What years did the Civil War take place?

What is 1861-1865?
