Definition and Tips
Sentence Boundaries
Redundancy and Complex Sentences
Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes
True or false: Long and complex sentences make your writing sophisticated.

False: Sometimes a simple sentence can pack a powerful punch. 


For a sentence to be correct in English, what two parts of speech does it need to contain? 

A subject and a verb.


Explain the comma rule at work in the sentence below: 

Knowing I have to run a 5K tomorrow, I took a rest day. 

Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before or after the main clause.

What makes a sentence a simple sentence (hint: think about independent/dependent clauses)?

A simple sentence doesn't have a dependent clause; it's just a single independent clause.  

Name the two times where you should use a semicolon. 

1) To separate items in a list when some of those items already contain commas.

2) To join two independent clauses that are closely related idea-wise. 


What is the most basic function of a good sentence? 

To express a complete and clear thought.

What makes a dependent clause different from an independent clause?

It is not a complete thought (although a dependent clause can contain a subject and a verb).


Define a comma splice.

When two complete sentences are joined by a comma.


Combine the simple sentences below into one complex sentence:

I like wearing sweaters. I like oversized sweaters. All my sweaters shrunk in the dryer.  

Something like: 

I like wearing oversized sweaters, but all my sweaters shrunk in the dryer. 


What is the colon drawing attention to in the sentence below:

I made sure I packed everything I needed for the hike: a first aid kit, a flashlight, bug spray, and extra food and water. 

A list.


According to the article we read, what is one of the four things that contribute to good sentence construction?

1) It is a complete sentence.

2) It conjures a particular mood.

3) It paints a picture with sensory imagery.

4) It has flow (good pacing, cadence, etc.).


Name one of the two ways you can correct a fragment. 

1) Combine it with a nearby independent clause.

2) Add more words.


Name one of the three ways you can fix a comma splice. 

1) Make two complete sentences.

2) Add a FANBOYS conjunction.

3) Add a semicolon if the two sentences are related.


Combine the simple sentences below into one complex sentence:

I like drinking coffee. I like drinking it iced in the spring and summer. I prefer it hot in the fall and winter. I only drink it with oat milk year-round. 

Something like: 

I like drinking iced coffee in the spring and summer and hot coffee in the fall and winter, although I only drink it with oat milk year-round. 


Name the two times you should use an en dash.  

1) To show connections between words working as a unit.

2) To spell certain words. 


Define the term "parallelism." 

When there is agreement in a sentence's grammatical structure. 

Examples include: 1) I came; I saw; I conquered. 2) Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


Define a run-on sentence. 

Run-ons are two or more independent clauses that are combined without proper punctuation or connecting words.


Define a disruptive comma. 

When the comma separates a dependent clause (incomplete sentence) from the independent clause (complete sentence)


Name three coordinating conjunctions. 

Answers include: for, and, nor, but, yet, so.

What is the purpose of the em dash in the sentence below:

A guest—my oldest, closest, and most cherished friend—is coming to visit this weekend, so I need to prepare.

To set off material for emphasis.

Define the term "concrete rhetoric."

Concrete rhetoric is direct language that conveys your purpose as a writer to a reader. 

Examples of this include: delivering a strong image, conveying significance, creating an emotional appeal, etc. 


Name one of the two ways to fix a run-on sentence.

1) Use a comma and a conjunction.

2) Make the independent clauses their own sentences.


Name one of the two ways you can fix a disruptive comma. 

1) Remove the unnecessary comma.

2) Make the dependent clause an independent clause.


Name three subordinating conjunctions.

Answers include: unless, because, even though, while, although, though.


What two things need to be corrected about the use of the semicolon in the sentence below:

We can't leave the movie theater yet; Because the end credits.

1) The second clause is not a complete thought, which makes it dependent. A semicolon connects two independent clauses. 

2) The "B" in "Because" needs to be lowercase. 
