Anti-Harassment & Bullying
Workplace Attendance Policies
Workplace Safety
Travel & OOO Policy

This type of conduct, whether verbal or physical, is strictly prohibited under Good Sports' policy.

What is harassment?


This is the action employees must take if they are unable to report for work, come in late, or need to leave early.

What is notifying their manager as soon as they are aware of the situation?


This is the designated area for assembly during and after any emergency where evacuation is necessary.

What is the corner just opposite of the far end of the 1515 complex (across from the picnic table area).


These are the three components to ensure you have your status set to "out of office."

What are email, Teams and voicemail.


This is what "SLT" stands for.

What is the Senior Leadership Team.


This type of conduct includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, or mean content about someone else via electronic communication.

What is cyberbullying?


According to the playbook, this is the maximum number of days (or hours) employees can roll over their unused paid time off into the following calendar year 

What is up to 7 days (56 hours) of paid time off?


This is the overarching goal of Good Sports' Emergency Response Plan.

What is to maintain essential business services and operations while ensuring the protection of life, health, and safety for all employees?


These are the three examples of situations in which employees should update their calendar with their location 

What is when traveling, working remotely, or taking PTO?


This is what "PIP" stands for.

What is a Performance Improvement Plan?


Good Sports' policy prohibits unwelcome comments regarding various personal characteristics. What term is used to describe this type of harassment?

What is verbal harassment?


Employees may request this type of leave when they have used up all their paid time off but need to be absent from work due to illness or emergency.

What is unpaid leave?


These are the four most common hazards identified that would enable the Emergency Response Plan.

What are medical emergencies, threats of violence/active shooter situation, fires, and utilities/IT failures.


These are the two options for how to approach adjusting deliverables that conflict with time you will be away.

What are to provide the deliverables in advance or reset the expectations/adjust the delivery date.


This type of bullying is identified as a persistent singling out of one person not only in terms of 'rejection' but in terms of favoritism as well.

What is exclusion bullying?


This is the amount of days or "time to take care of personal matters" offered to employees in the case of bereavement

What is 7 days?


These are the two positions designated as the "Safety Office" and "Co-Safety Officer" in the event of an emergency.

Who are the Vice President of Operations and the Director of Human Resources?


These are the two approaches for adjusting meetings on your calendar that conflict with time away or out of the office.

What are declining meetings or notifying the meeting owner you will need to call in.


This type of harassment is defined as imposing penalties or hardships on an employee for filing a complaint or participating in an internal investigation.

What is retaliation?


These are the three factors or resources employees and managers should consider when requesting or approving paid time off.

What are thinking strategically, considering upcoming projects/events, and utilizing resources such as Calendar Happenings or the shared PTO calendar in Paylocity?


These are the four components considered in any Emergency Response according to the policy.

What are preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation?


These should also be noted on your calendar when traveling for a work event, when they occur during 9-5 hours of operation.

What are driving times?


This is what "TRAVEL TIPS" stands for.

What is:

Transportation Details (travel details in your calendar)

Roster (who is traveling with you?)

Availability (is your schedule clear?)

Evaluate (how did you do while away?)

Let (meeting owners know)

Technology – do you have the tools you need to be productive when away 


Plan (all the work.)

Set (out of office)
