Playing Fair
Showing Respect
Following the Rules
Being a Good Winner
Being a Good Loser

True or False? Cheating is Fair.

False: A game should be played fair. 


Is it respectful to call a person on the other team a "loser?" Why?

No that is a hurtful word.


Rules in games are important because:

A) Rules keep games organized and everyone knows what to do and what not to do to make the game more fun. 

B) It helps beat the other team. 

A. Keeps the game organized Everyone knows what to do and what not to do Makes the game more fun.


"You guys played so badly! You stink! We beat you so bad! Ha HA HA!!" 

Is this how to be a good winner? Yes or No and WHY

No - You should always respect the other team and tell them they played a good game.


"We lost because I didn't get to play very much!"

Is this being a good loser and WHY?

No - We shouldn't blame others because the team lost.


Fair or Not fair: 

You knock someone down in a basketball game on purpose.  

Not Fair: 


Is this showing respect?

When a game is over teams shake hand and say "Good Game" to show respect.



What is a word for not following the rules?

A) Winning

B) Cheating 

B. Cheating


What should you say to the other team when your team wins?

Say "Good Game", that you had fun playing with them, that they did a good job


Give an example of a time you lost a game and how you reacted. State whether this reaction was being a good loser or not



Fair or Not Fair:

You sit out so other people on your team can play

Fair- Everyone should get a chance to play.


Is this showing respect?

When a staff member makes a call during a game and you don't like it, you should get angry and argue.  

No!: Don't argue, ask them to explain it to you if you don't understand.


What happens to a player who cheats?

A) Gets kicked out of the game.

B) Gets the winning trophy. 

A. Gets kicked out of the game.


What should you tell your teammates if you win the game?

Good game and Great job, congratulating teammates


When your team wins the game you should say to the other team "Our Team is better then your team!!" 

True or False 

if False, explain what you should say instead

False:  You should say nice game and good job 


Fair or Not Fair:

You try to score all the points in a game yourself. 

Not Fair: Everyone should get a chance to score points. 


True or False:

You should talk to your friends when your staff is giving the group instructions.  

False: You should listen to staff and do your best


Why is it important to follow rules?

- To be fair

- Safety

- To show good sportsmanship


Are you being a good winner if you brag about how good you are? 

Yes or No and WHY

No - You should do your best, and encourage everyone else to do their best too


What do you say to your own team if you all lose

We will do better next time, nice try, I had fun playing, etc


Fair or Not Fair:

Everyone gets a chance to play in the game.

Fair: Everyone should get a chance to play in the game. 


Is this an example of showing respect?

When your teammate makes a mistake you say, "It's OK, you can do it!" 

Yes! This is a great response to show support to your teammates


What should you do if you don't understand the rules of a game/activity?

- ask staff to explain the rules so you understand it better


Are you a good winner if you show off? 

Yes or No and WHY

No. People will know you did a good job in the game. You don't need to show off to prove that you are a good player.


Is it okay to feel sad about losing a game? 

Yes, but it is important to stay in control and not overreact.
