True or false - It is normal to feel a mixture of emotions about ending a relationship with my therapist, including sad, angry, and excited?
What is one thing you learned in our time together?
Explain one thing.
What is something you would want to work on in therapy in the future?
Name a future goal.
What was your favorite thing we did in therapy?
Share something you enjoyed.
How many legs does a lobster have?
Today, I feel ____ about ending therapy.
Describe how you feel.
What is something I can do to help calm myself down if I am angry or upset?
Name one coping skill.
What do you not want to talk about or do in therapy in the future?
Name something to leave behind.
What was your least favorite thing about therapy?
Share something that was challenging.
What is the largest state in the United States of America?
What are positive thoughts or feelings you've had about ending our time together?
Describe how you feel.
This is a strategy that helps me understand what the other person thinks/feels, even if I don't agree with them.
Active Listening
What do you want me (your therapist) to remember about you?
I'll do my best to remember. :)
Finish the sentence - "When I think about therapy with Kelsey, I will always remember . . . "
What will stick with you?
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
What are negative thoughts or feelings you've had about ending our time together?
Describe how you feel.
One thing I'm proud of myself for during my time in therapy is . . .
Name something you're proud of.
What do you want your new therapist to know about you?
Tell me any info that it might help for me to pass along.
What is something funny/strange/memorable that happened right before or right after therapy?
Share a story.
Who was president the year Spencer was born?
Barack Obama
How did you feel about therapy the first time we met?
Describe how you felt.
If I could give advice to someone about to start therapy for this first time it would be . . .
Share what you would want them to know.
By this time next year I hope . . .
What will you be doing, thinking, feeling, etc.
Share a memory from the past that you don't think anyone else in the room remembers.
Tell us more!
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