What is the name of the documentary?
Stamped from the Beginning
What is the term used for slaves in western europe
What lotion company was marketed in the video?
What is the name of the young black woman poet who spoke about her slavery experience?
Phyllis Wheatley
What happened in 1444?
The first slave trade. The transatlantic slave trade.
What is the name of the Mississippi Senator in 1860
Jefferson Davis
Who helped Prince Henry make the "bestseller novel" about Slavery?
Gomez Zurara
What was code switching referred to?
Changing your voice/tone/look
Which president was talking about sagging
What happened to the Western European Slaves?
They were enslaved by the Eastern Europeans
What is the name of the Country Prince Henry is from?
What state was toppled by the Bacon's Rebellion
Why wasn't the High School Senior allowed to graduate from HS?
He had dreadlocks. He had to cut his dreadlocks.
Malcolm X
What famous book reference did Jefferson Davis use to identify black people?
The Bible
What is the name of the of the cartoon that was shown a mockery of black people?
Black face
What did the indentured servants gain after being separated from Slaves?
Gained freedom, land, and money
What is the Bacon's Rebellion?
white and black people came together to revolt against white landowners.
In the documentary Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said "they told a lie one day" .. what was that lie about? Who was that lie about? What race?
"They made everything black, ugly and evil."
According to the documentary, when did whiteness emerge?
in 1500-1600s
What is the name of one of the kings that was portrayed in the video after the boat scene.
Fula, Igbo, Yoruba, Wolof, and Mandinka
What did the indentured servants do to Slaves after they became free?
Bought and used
What did the little boy want to eat? it was highlighted to mock black culture
The little black boy wants to eat chicken.
What is the name of this class
Catamount UP
What bill did Senator Jefferson Davis oppose?
Sen. Davis opposed a bill funding education for black people.