*Who pioneered our understanding of the subconscious mind?*
Sigmund Freud
*The Central Nervous System is composed of two parts; what are they?*
Brain & Spine
What 3 purposes emotions serve?
1. Emotions motivate us to act
2. Emotions help us communicate with each other through things like body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice
3. Emotions give us information about our environment
What does the amygdala do?
The amygdala acts as an emotional alarm system, like a threat detector
*Who taught us about classical conditioning by training his dog to salivate to a tuning fork?*
Ivan Pavlov
*What is the Peripheral Nervous System?*
The branches of nerves that reach the entire body – executes actions and relays information back to brain
What are the 4 steps in how we process emotions?
The Process of Emotions
What does the hippocampus do?
The hippocampus encodes and consolidates emotional memories (stores them). It links the emotions to contextual information (when and where).
*Who theorized that all people are able to heal themselves with support & encouragement?*
Carl Rogers
*The Autonomic Nervous system is divided into two parts. What are they? Name one system they effect.*
Sympathetic (fight or flight) and Parasympathetic (rest & digest)
Often have the opposite effects on energy, heart rate, blood pressure, energy levels, and digestion
What helps neurogenesis (new growth in the brain)?
What does the prefrontal cortex do, in regards to emotions?
*Who is the father of Operant Conditioning that designed experiments in a box with rats and pigeons and utilized food rewards?*
B.F. Skinner
What are the functions of the Hindbrain, Midbrain, and Forebrain?
Hindbrain: basic body functions
Midbrain: relays information to forebrain
Forebrain: higher level functions, such as understanding sensory experiences, thinking, and emotions
What is the difference between Emotional Awareness & Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Awareness: understanding what emotion you are experiencing and why
Emotional Intelligence: the ability to perceive, evaluate, and control your response to emotions.
What happens to the brain with PTSD?
*What are the 5 levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs? What do each of them entail?*
Self Actualization: achieving one's full potential, moral compass, creativity
Esteem needs: prestige, feelings of accomplishment
Belongingness & love: friendships, family, romantic relationships
Safety needs: security & safety
Physiological Needs: food, warmth, water, rest
*The nervous system throughout the body (peripheral nervous system) is divided into the Somatic and the Autonomic Nervous Systems. What do the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems do?*
Somatic: Sensory signals from body to brain and motor signals from brain to body
Autonomic: automatic systems in body (digestion, blood pressure, heart rate, energy)
What are the 4 domains of emotional intelligence?
Explain how the Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Prefrontal Cortex all work together to process alarming emotions.
The Amygdala detects emotional threats and sends the information to the hippocampus which provides us with contextual information about previous events that also triggered the alarming emotions. Then the prefrontal cortex helps us evaluate that information and figure out how to respond.