Approximately how much does a police officer make on average?
What amount of schooling is needed to be a bailiff?
Any college
What requirements are there to be an immigration inspector?
Must be younger than 37 and have a valid drivers license.
What type of career do evidence technicians have?
They investigate evidence found at crime scenes.
Describe the job duty's of a police officer.
Encourage positive communities, document incidents, protect people/property.
Approximately how much do immigration and customs inspectors make?
What level of schooling is needed to be a police detective?
Bachelors degree or higher
What requirements are there to be a criminal investigator?
Must be a US citizen.
What type of career do bailiff have?
They guard the courtroom.
Describe the job duty's of an immigration inspector.
They examine people, vehicles, goods, and other items when crossing the US border.
Approximately how much do criminal investigators make?
What level of schooling is need to be a deputy sheriff?
What requirements are needed to be a special agent?
21 at least, no older than 37.
What type of career do sheriffs have?
They keep law and order in rural areas.
Describe the job duty's of police detective.
Perform investigations to solve and prevent crimes.
Approximately how much do animal control officers make?
What level of schooling is needed to be a customs inspector?
Bachelors degree
What requirements are there to be an evidence technician?
Must have a Bachelor's degree at least.
What type of career do animal control do?
They help and collect animals that are dangerous or in need
Describe the job duty's of an animal control officer.
Investigate reports of animal attacks or cruelty, interview witnesses, collect evidence and write reports.
Approximately how much do sheriffs make?
What level of schooling is needed to be a special agent?
Bachelors degree
What requirements are need to be a police detective?
At least 20, not over 37.
What type of career do police officers have?
They enforce laws and ordinances.
Describe the job duty's of an evidence technician.
Use lab equipment, classify substances & evidence, report any findings.