What is 3+6+4?
Name something that is a need.
Possible answers: air, food, shelter, clothes
the boy went to the store
What two things are wrong with the sentence?
What goes at the beginning of every sentence?
A capital letter
What are the two sounds of the letter G?
Hard (grape) and soft (giraffe)
There were 5 birds in the tree. Two flew away. How many birds are still in the tree?
Name a Service.
Possible answers: police, teacher, fire fighter, doctor
cat The food. ate her
Put this sentence in the correct order.
The cat ate her food.
What goes at the end of every sentence?
Punctuation: period, question mark, exclamation mark
Cake and cat...which word has a long a sound?
Count to 100 by 10s
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Name something that is a want.
Possible answers: toys, video games, jewelry, vacation
The dog Played with his Ball.
What is wrong with this sentence?
Played and Ball should be lower case.
What goes between each word?
What are the two sounds of the letter C?
Hard (cat) and soft (cinnamon)
What does 999+0=?
Name a good
Possible answers: food, clothes, toys, books
red blue spoon pink
Which word doesn't belong?
Spoon...not a color
The girl bought something from the store.
The girl bought a red shirt from the store.
I added _________ to the second sentence. What is it called?
Dig and bike...which word has the short I sound?
Name steps 1 and 2 in the math process.
Why do we trade goods with other countries?
Possible answer: because we don't make/have everything here in the United States
Susie went to jill's house to Play with the toys
What is wrong with this sentence?
Jill should be capital, play should be lower case, a period needs to go at the end
When you write a sentence it needs to make ______?
Which is not a vowel...a, e, s, o and u?