Gas Metal Arc Welding
Most Commonly used shielding gas for GMAW
Needs to be done to 1/4in or thicker metal before welding.
Adding a groove or bevel
Produces a weld with deep penetration and higher buildup.
Backhand welding or dragging angle
The piece on the welding gun that lets the gas flow out
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
What does 'Inert mean"
Black iron oxide on raw steel is called what?
Mill scale
Produces a weld with shallow penetration and little build up.
Forehand welding or pushing angle
The lining in the welding gun lead
Conduit liner
Flux Cored Arc Welding
The chief determinant for how effective a gas is for arc shielding
Density of the gas
Mill scale needs to be removed for type of testing?
Destructive testing
has a good balance between penetration and reinforcement.
Perpendicular welding
What does WFS stand for?
Wire feed speed
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
what waste shielding gases and may lead to contamination in your weld
Too high of a gas flow rate
what weld defect can mill scale have on your material and where?
porosity inside the weld (non-visible)
What is the best gun angle for the most amount of shielding gas coverage!
The piece inside the machine that pushes the wire thru the machine
Feed roller
Inches per minute
CFM means what for shielding gas flow rate?
cubic feet per minute
4 ways to clean your material before welding
Grinding, Filing, Sanding or Sand Blasting
changing these at the same time can result in a quality weld being made under conditions that are less than ideal.
Electrode extension and gun angle
Term used for wire inside the machine not feeding out
Bird nesting