Spell out ff
What is FORTISSIMO = very loud ?
Toe-tapping like this
| | | | | |||| is a ___.
What is Accelerando - Gradually Speed Up ?
What is "play louder" or "emphasize" ?
The Band Name of this song:
Who is Coldplay?
a lot
What is molto ?
Spell out mf
What is MEZZOFORTE = medium loud ?
Toe-tapping like this
||| | | | | | is a ___.
What is Ritardando or Rallentando - Gradually Slow Down ?
What is "full value" ?
The singer of this song:
Who is Justin Bieber
What is subito ?
The symbol below the staff.
What is Decrescendo or Diminuendo - Gradually get softer ?
When you see a Tempo I you ___.
What is "Play the tempo or speed marked at the first measure." ?
Connects two different notes.
What is a slur ?
The group the performs this song:
Who is BTS?
to divide parts
what is divisi ?
Define 𝆒
What is Crescendo - Gradually get louder ?
Whe you see an a tempo you ___.
| | | | a c c el.| | |
What is "Return to the tempo before the recent tempo change." ?
Connects two notes that are the same pitch.
What is a tie ?
The Band that performs this hit:
Who is Tones & I
bit by bit
What is poco a poco ?
These two terms describe dynamics.
What are volume and intensity ?
The tempo in BOLD is ____.
lllllllll l l l l l l l l l
What is moderato ?
Define 𝄐
What is "Hold until the conductor signals you to stop."
What band performed this hit?
Who is Chicago?
from the sign
What is del segno ?