This city in North America is known for its urban growth boundary.
Portland, Oregon
This agency is the owner and operator of the California State Highway system.
These are the three California state supported Amtrak routes.
Capitol Corridor, San Joaquins, and Pacific Surfliner.
This document provides a unifying and foundational policy framework for making transportation decisions in California.
California Transportation Plan
This state agency is responsible for developing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets for cars and light trucks.
California Air Resources Board
Each person that lives in a post-2000 suburban development tends to take up this much more space than a central city resident.
11 times more space
The state departments under this agency include Caltrans, the California Transportation Commission, and the California High-Speed Rail Authority.
California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)
These two major cities would be connected by the Phase I of the California High-Speed Rail project and must have a travel time of not greater than 2 hours and 40 minutes between them.
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
This SACOG plan, first developed prior to SB 375, promotes mixed-use development, better coordination between land use and transportation, and has been a model for other regions to follow.
These are programs and policies that ensure that the entire right-of-way is designed and operated to enable safe access for all users.
Complete Streets
This is a term that is represented by haphazard, low-density development outward from an urban center.
This state agency has oversight over Caltrans and controls all state and federal transportation funding.
California Transportation Commission (CTC)
These two major California cities, one in the north and one in the south, would be connected to the California High-Speed Rail system in Phase II.
Sacramento and San Diego.
Of the Statewide transportation planning documents we covered in class, this one is currently under development.
California State Rail Plan 2023.
As discussed in class, which approach is often used by Federal agencies to entice states to adopt and/or enforce laws and policies by withholding or providing funding.
Carrot approach
This is a possible negative consequence of an urban growth boundary.
Increased housing prices.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations are mandated by the Federal government in counties containing this.
This is a linear geographic band defined by existing and forecasted travel patterns involving both people and goods.
These are the nine required elements of a General Plan in California.
Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, Safety, Environmental Justice, and Air Quality
A reproduction of a historic light fixture used in a similar manner to its original purpose and location is an example of this transportation placemaking principle.
SB 375 streamlined requirements for traffic impact studies within this distance of high-frequency transit
1/4 mile
The Federal administrative agencies that fall under this department include the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Federal Railroad Administration.
United States Department of Transportation (USDOT)
This type of study assesses the potential impact of a development on traffic levels in an area.
Traffic Impact Study
SB 1000, passed in 2016, requires these type of considerations to be addressed in the Circulation Elements of General Plans.
Environmental Justice Considerations
As covered in class, these are sovereign governments under the authority of the United States and not under the jurisdiction of a state.
Tribal governments.