Pocahontas / Matoaka
5 Paragraph Essay
Common 10th Grade Errors
Place the period correctly!
Conjugations (Easy, Right?)

Where does the name "Pocahontas" come from?

Matoaka's mother was named Pocahontas, and was affectionately nicknamed Pocahontas by her father because she reminded him so much of his wife.  


Name the 5-paragraphs in an essay?

1. Introduction

2. Body #1

3. Body #2

4. Body #3

5. Conclusion


we don't talk as much as often as i like, but when we do talk is so good to hear her voice and see how is she's doing with university and with he life

We don't talk as often as I'd like, but when we do talk, it's so good to hear her voice and see how she's doing with university and her life.


 I enjoy spending time with my friends we often hang out after school we chat, laugh, and share stories it's a great way to unwind.

"I enjoy spending time with my friends. We often hang out after school. We chat, laugh, and share stories. It's a great way to unwind." 


My friend and me goes to the park every weekend. We plays frisbee and have a lot of fun. Last Saturday, we goes to the movies and watch a new film. This weekend, we will goes camping in the mountains. I hopes the weather will be nice.

  1. My friend and me go to the park every weekend.
  2. We play frisbee and have a lot of fun.
  3. Last Saturday, we went to the movies and watched a new film.
  4. This weekend, we will go camping in the mountains.
  5. I hope the weather will be nice.

How did Pocahontas' life differ from the way she is portrayed in popular culture, like movies? (Contrast)

1. Age: She was actually a really young girl when John Smith and the colonizers came to Powhatan land. 

2. Name/Identity: Her name was actually Matoaka.

3. Physical Appearance: She looked like a black haired barbie doll. 

4. She was kidnapped, raped, sexually assaulted and eventually murdered. 

5. She never saved John Smith's life.


What are the characteristics you need for good body paragraph?

1. Topic Sentence (Related to Thesis)

2. Example

3. Explanation 


my mom has been the most important person in my life, she has be too supportative in every single moment of my life, i have been through a lot of problems,

My mom has been the most important person in my life. She has been too supportive in every single moment of my life. I have been through a lot of problems.


 During my summer vacation, I visited my grandparents' farm it's a peaceful place surrounded by green fields and fresh air I helped feed the animals in the morning and we picked ripe vegetables from the garden in the afternoon.

During my summer vacation, I visited my grandparents' farm. It's a peaceful place surrounded by green fields and fresh air. I helped feed the animals in the morning, and we picked ripe vegetables from the garden in the afternoon.


Every morning, she wake up early and make breakfast. Then, she go to work and dealing with clients all day. Last night, she had to work late and was feels tired. This week, she will have to finish an important project.

Every morning, she wakes up early and makes breakfast. Then, she goes to work and deals with clients all day. Last night, she had to work late and felt tired. This week, she will have to finish an important project.


Tell me how Matoaka was used as an "advertisement" when we was taken around English after marrying John Rolfe. 

She had her identity taken from her and was paraded around English as evidence for how successful colonization was. They wanted other colonizers to go an invest in tobacco in the New World. 


What are the necessary characteristics of an introductory paragraph?

1. Hook

2. Connecting Details / Supporting Details / Important information

3. Thesis statement. 


He is one of the persones I admire most. He does not believs in limits, he just did to 5th grade. But he did not care about and he decided to create a great family. Through the years he was able to give school anduniversity to all of his 6 sons. He never gived up. This is wy I admir he a lot.

He is one of the persons I admire most. He does not believe in limits. He just studied until the 5th grade. But he did not care about it and he decided to create a great family. Through the years, he was able to provide education from school to university for all of his 6 sons. He never gave up. This is why I admire him a lot. 


In history class, we learned about ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks these cultures left behind fascinating artifacts and structures their achievements still influence modern society.

 In history class, we learned about ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks. These cultures left behind fascinating artifacts and structures. Their achievements still influence modern society.


At the science fair, they present their projects confidently. Some of them research about climate change and its effects. Others demonstrate experiments that prove scientific theories. A few students discuss their findings with enthusiasm.

 At the science fair, they presented their projects confidently. Some of them researched about climate change and its effects. Others demonstrated experiments that proved scientific theories. A few students discussed their findings with enthusiasm.


Why was Matoaka forced to marry John Rolfe?

Matoaka was forced to marry John Rolfe because he wanted access to the tobacco curing recipe. This recipe was only accessible to family members of Matoaka's tribe. He wanted to recipe because it was the better than any tobacco that had been discovered up to that point in history. 


What is the Mr. Jacob's formula for writing a good thesis statement?

[topic] is [adj] because [reason 1], [reason 2], and [reason 3]


After we got stuck in the middle of the ocean, the captain of the boat start calling comeone who could resue us, but there wasn't signal for call, we start trying to move for if it get signal,

After we got stuck in the middle of the ocean, the captain of the boat started calling someone who could rescue us. But there wasn't any signal to make the call. We started trying to move in case it would get a signal.


Music is an important part of my life I play the guitar and the piano I practice every day after school and sometimes I perform at local events my dream is to become a professional musician one day.

Music is an important part of my life. I play the guitar and the piano. I practice every day after school, and sometimes I perform at local events. My dream is to become a professional musician one day.


Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures have always been an interest of mine. I had the opportunity to travel to various countries, each with their own unique traditions. Last summer, I visit Italy and was amazed by its rich history and architecture. In the future, I have hoped to visit more countries and learn about their way of lifes.

Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures has always been an interest of mine. I have had the opportunity to travel to various countries, each with its own unique traditions. Last summer, I visited Italy and was amazed by its rich history and architecture. In the future, I hope to visit more countries and learn about their ways of life.


Give me a brief description of the "Indian Princess" stereotype. 

The "Indian Princess" stereotype is a harmful description of Native American or Indigenous women, often from various tribes, as romanticized and exotic women who are typically portrayed as beautiful, submissive, and available for the desires of non-Indigenous men.


Write a thesis statement to the following prompt: 

Can stereotypes be dangerous, even in Disney movies?

Stereotypes can be dangerous, even in Disney movies, because they can shape the minds of young kids, spread cultural biases, and misrepresent real stories. 


Alejandro is my couse he has 9 years and he is happy all days he got involved in soccer because of me. also I meet him and my uncle's house, we play soccer and we see TV

Alejandro is my cousin; he is 9 years old and is happy every day. He got involved in soccer because of me. Also, I meet him at my uncle's house where we play soccer and watch TV.


I believe in the power of kindness a small act of kindness can brighten someone's day it's important to treat others with respect and empathy helping each other makes the world a better place.

I believe in the power of kindness. A small act of kindness can brighten someone's day. It's important to treat others with respect and empathy. Helping each other makes the world a better place.


Science and technology has transformed our world in profound ways. Many inventions and discoveries has change the way we live. The development of computers and smartphones have revolutionized communication. In the future, will likely see even more advancements that will shape society.

Science and technology have transformed our world in profound ways. Many inventions and discoveries have changed the way we live. The development of computers and smartphones has revolutionized communication. In the future, we will likely see even more advancements that will shape society.
