How do you open the main menu?
You click on the triple bar icon.
What is the purpose of the "About Tab"
To have teacher and class information available to the students permanently
What are the multiple ways to invite your students into your Google Classroom?
You can INVITE STUDENTS with the invite link, give your students the CLASS CODE or TYPE EMAIL to manually add.
Where do you add Announcements?
On the STREAM page.
What type of information can you put in the "About Tab"?
Teacher Name, Class Description, Section, Room Location, Subject
What are your options for adding assignments?
Assignment, Kami Assignment, Quiz Assignment, Question, Material & Reuse Post
How do you grade an assignment?
Click on the assignment. Open the students' work and review. Add the grade next to their name. You can also add a general or personal comment. Click on RETURN
What do you learn when you click on "CLASSWORK" in the main menu?
A teacher will see how many students were assigned the assignment and how many students turned the assignment in. The student will see what assignments need to be completed and which still need to be handed in.
What type of CLASS MATERIALS can you add to this page?
Google Docs, i.e. Class syllabus, rubrics, PDF's, Favorite webpage links, videos, etc.
How do you add the students guardians to the email list?
Click on the PEOPLE tab and click on INVITE GUARDIANS next to the student's name and add the guardian's email address then click INVITE.
How do you schedule ahead of time when each assignment is posted?
How does a student turn in an assignment?
Where is the TURN IN button?
How do you turn on/off email notifications?
You click on the SETTINGS cogwheel in the Triple Menu bar and and toggle to the correct position for ALLOW EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS and choose categories as necessary.
How do you edit the information on the ABOUT page?
Click on the Home button and click on the more action three dots and click on "Edit"
How can you email all the students in your class at one time?
Click on the tab next to the word Students which will select all the students. the click the down arrow next to ACTIONS. Click on Email.
Will assignments be able to be viewed in the Google Classroom Calendar?
Only assignments that have been given a due date will be able to be viewed on the calendar.
How does a student let you know he/she has completed the assignment?
The student will OPEN the assignment and click on MARK AS DONE