What symbol allows you to make text darker?
Bold or B
What is the button that makes the text move to the right?
Right Align
What is the default spacing on Google Docs?
1.15 Spaced
What does the clear formatting button do?
Removes any colors, fonts, size or other customization.
What button allows you to change the look or vibe of of your text?
What is the button that makes the text move to the left?
Where would you find checkboxes on Google Docs?
What does single spaced text look like?
Words on separate lines are close together.
What does the letter A with a checkmark do on Google Docs?
Spell Check
Which button allows you to make the words slant seem fuzzy to stand out?
Italic or I
What is the button that makes the text move to the center?
Center Align
What is the most spacing you can add to a document without customization?
Double Space
Can you change the size of a table border on Google Docs?
What does the button that has an A and an underline do to the text?
It changes the color of the text.
What does the Justify button do?
What does the numbered list button do?
It adds numbers to the beginning of your text.
What does the button look like to increase indent?
Where can you find the word count, under format or tools?
What does the paintbrush/marker tool do to the text?
It highlights text different colors.
When would be a good time to use the Center Align button?
Responses Vary
How else can you number a list of items besides using just plain numbers?
Roman Numerals or Letters
What does the decrease indent button look like?
Lines with an arrow pointing to the left.
What are the steps that you need to follow to enter a page break or add a new page to your Google Doc?
Insert > Break > Page Break