If a user is in the Dev channel how do you move them back to the stable channel and what will happen to their data?
Type in Chrome:help>more info and change the channel to stable. All locally stored data will be lost.
If a users screen is upside down how would you determine a keyboard combination to resolve the issue?
Use the keyboard overlay ctrl+alt+?
If a user is experiencing the, "He's dead Jim" error how would you determine what might be causing this issue?
Use the Task Manager (shift+esc) to see if there are any excess apps or extensions are running.
How would a user know they're experiencing a sync issue?
The Chrome Menu icon will turn orange and the Chrome menu will prompt the user to sign back in.
How would a user set up a traditional printer with their Chromebook?
Google Cloud Print - Have a PC or Mac that works with that printer, Chrome browser installed on that computer with the users Google Account singed in and add the printer from Chrome:settings.
What is the order of operation when troubleshooting a Chromebook?
1. Report the Issue 2. Reload the page 3. Reboot the Chromebook 4. Check the OS version 5. Check connectivity 6. Check Guest Mode 7. Check memory usage
What is Crosh? How do you access it? What is a command you can use?
Crosh is the Chrome OS Developer Window used to change advanced OS settings and test hardware, ctrl+alt+t, battery_test
What are the three primary reasons an app or extension would not work?