Water Bottle, Netherwart
What is an Awkward Potion?
This former 4x Pro Bowl NFL quarterback spent 21 months in federal prison due to his involvement in a dog fighting ring.
Who is Michael Vick?
This young point guard with shoe game has a game tomorrow.
Who is Trey?
At its launch, Valorant featured a lineup of how many agents to select from.
What is Five? Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Sova.
This is Sheldon’s Last name.
What is Cooper?
Potion of Poison
What is a Water Bottle, Netherwart, & Spider Eye?
This former undisputed heavyweight champion from 1987 to 1990 has a fascination with his pet pigeons; He was also convicted of rape 1992.
Who is Mike Tyson?
When acquiring a Bacon, Egg, and Cheese from your local Bodega, it is pertinent that you mustn't forget what.
What is the bev?
An operator cost this much.
What is 4,700 units?
This was Sheldon’s Father George’s profession.
What is a High School Football Coach?
Potion of Swiftness +
What is a Water Bottle, Netherwart, Sugar, & Redstone?
This Hall of Fame running back was sentenced up to 33 years in prison after being found guilty of armed robbery, kidnapping and several other charges on a televised trial.
Who was OJ Simpson?
A Tennessee native spring factory worker became an internet sensation after saying this two word phrase on a street interview.
What is Hawk Tuah?
One of this character’s catch phrases is: “Don't get in my Way”.
Who is Viper?
Georgie was this age when he became a father.
What is 17 Years old?
Wattle Bottle, Netherwart, Glistering Melon, Fermented Spider Eye, Glowstone, & Gunpowder
What is a Potion of Harming II?
This 11-time NBA All-Star, a 2001 NBA MVP, a 4-time scoring champion, a 1997 NBA Rookie of the Year, and ringless player was convicted in his youth for starting a fight in a local bowling alley.
Who is Allen Iverson?
This cold vibrant dairy-based limited time drink was known for causing people to act erratic when consumed.
What is the Grimace shake?
The Oni Phantom Skin was released in this Episode.
What was Episode 1?
Sheldon starts this religion.
What is Mathology?
Lingering Potion of Leaping II
What is a Water Bottle, Netherwart, Rabbit’s Foot, Glowstone, Gunpowder, & Dragons Breath?
This Auburn University All-American Alumni, 1x NBA MVP, 11x NBA All-Star, was sentenced to 10 days in jail after failing a field sobriety test.
Who is Charles Barkley?
What is the name of the pink starfish character in the children's cartoon SpongeBob Square Pants.
Who is Subaru?
Including Ultimates and excluding placeables, this ability lasts the longest.
What is Clove’s “Not Dead Yet” Ultimate Ability?
Sheldon attends this university for his undergraduate and graduate studies.
What is the California Institute of Technology?