His Life
What is Personality?
Unique Individuals

The title of Gordon Allport book where he defines personality

What is "Pattern and Growth in Personality"?


The meaning of "dynamic organization"

What is although personality is constantly changing and growing, the growth is organized, not random?


The two types of traits 

What are common and individual traits?


The influence of a person’s present situation effects

Whats is not only in his personality theory but also in his view of motivation?


Allport rejected the words "self" and "ego" instead you used 

What is proprium?

Allport met Freud at _______ years old.

What is 22?


Characteristic means 

What is “individual” or “unique”?


Allport and Henry Odbert identified this many personally descriptive words in the 1925 edition of Webster’s New International Dictionary

What is 17,953?


All personal dispositions are dynamic in the sense that they have motivational power. Some are much more strongly felt than others, and Allport called these intensely experienced dispositions

What are motivational dispositions?


Allport described the nature and development of the proprium over this many stages and from and to what ages

What is seven stages from infancy through adolescence?


Allport's place of birth 

What is Montezuma, Indiana, America


Allport's definition of personality

What is "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought”?


"Personal dispositions" were originally named "traits", they were changed because

What is he later realized that some confusion could result from calling both common and individual traits, traits and so he revised his terminology.


Functional autonomy proposes that

What is the motives of mature, emotionally healthy adults are not functionally connected to the prior experiences in which they initially appeared?


The age range of each stage of development of the proprium

What is 

Stages 1–3 emerge during the first three years.

    1.Bodily self  2. Self-identity 3. Self-esteem 

Stages 4 and 5 emerge during the fourth through sixth year.

    4. Extension of self  5. Self-image

Stage 6 develops during ages 6–12.

     6. Self as a rational coper 

Stage 7 develops during adolescence.

    7. Propriate striving 



As a child, Allport struggled with feelings of inferiority. Having feelings of inferiority steamed from having an older brother. Allport's feelings and views about his brother were.. 

What is he began to identify with his oldest brother, Floyd, envious of his brother’s accomplishments?


Psychology of the individual states that both genetics and hereditary effect our personality. Which "Personal Disposition" supports this claim?

What is "Common Traits"?

** Common traits provide the means by which people within a given culture can be compared to one another.


The three types of personal dispositions, their meaning, and an example

What is 

1. Cardinal trait- a pervasive and influential trait that touches almost every aspect of a person’s life. All so known as a ruling passion, a powerful force that dominates behavior. 

2. Central traits- 5 to 10 themes that best describe our behavior. Everyone has them

3. Secondary traits may be so inconspicuous or weak that only a close friend would notice evidence of them.


The difference between "Perseverative functional autonomy" and "Propriate functional autonomy"

What is

- functional autonomy- refers to low-level and routine behaviors.

- propriate functional autonomy- refers to our values, self-image, and lifestyle.


Describe a normal, mature, emotionally healthy adult in a movie, TV show, or real life using the 6 criteria

Free Response (p. 203, Textbook B)


When Allport went to meet Freud, Allport talked about a story, and Freud's response to the story is what caused Allport to disagree with psychoanalysis. What is the story and what was Freud's response?

- An incident he had seen on the streetcar ride to Freud’s office. He told of watching a small boy who had an obvious fear of dirt. Everything seemed dirty to the child. He even changed his seat, telling his mother not to let a dirty man sit beside him.

-  “Was that little boy you?”


We have two distinct personalities in our lives. Which theorist would disagree and why?

Who is 

- Freud, are childhood trauma creates our personality

- Adler, we have an inferiority complex during infancy and the rest of our life is spent trying to overcome this complex

-Jung, we mask who we always were and in adulthood we need unmask and remember who we are


The three levels of personal disposition effects our daily life in what way?

 Free Response


Allport and Adler differ in their understanding of what motivates people in what way?

What is Allport believed we are motivated by our current situation and Adler believed we were motivated by our feelings of inferiority from the past.


What parenting styles would cause a child's self to not mature properly? 

What are "permissive" and "uninvolved" parents?
