Why couldn't Zechariah and Elizabeth have children?
They were very old.
Why did Mary give birth to Jesus in a stable?
There was no room in the Inn.
When baptized by John, the Holy Spirit came down from heaven in what form to rest on Jesus?
A dove
Jesus often taught through fictional stories called what?
How many disciples did Jesus call to follow him?
Who told Zechariah that he would have a child?
The angel Gabriel.
Who came to worship the new born king?
Jesus performed this sign before calling Simon Peter to follow him.
A miraculous catch of fish.
Jesus' most famous sermon, which featured the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer, was taught where?
Which disciple was first to recognize that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God?
What was the prophet John's nickname?
John the Baptist.
What gifts did the magi bring Jesus?
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
Jesus' first public miracle involved changing water into wine at what special event?
A wedding
Jesus’ most famous parable involved two brothers and a father. What is the name of that story?
The Prodigal Son
Who were the four fishermen that Jesus called to follow him?
Simon Peter, James, John, Andrew
John preached about repentance and baptized people in the wilderness to prepare the way for who?
When King Herod learned of the new king, Joseph and Mary took Jesus and fled to which country?
Jesus fed a crowd of 5000 with what from a boy’s lunch.
5 loaves and 2 fishes
When Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah and declared “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”, how did the people respond?
They tried to kill him.
What did the disciples often argue about?
Who among them was the greatest
John was compared to which OT testament prophet?
After missing for three days, where did Jesus' parents find him?
In the temple in Jerusalem
What are two signs that Jesus performed on the sea of Galilee demonstrating his power and authority over nature.
He walked on water and calmed a storm.
Jesus taught parables to teach people about what?
The kingdom of God
At their last supper together what act of service did Jesus perform for his disciples?
He washed their feet.