Jesus cooked this food
What is fish
This is the shortest verse in the Bible
What is John 11:35 - Jesus wept
These two brothers were called the “Sons of thunder”
Who were James and John
Jesus first miracle was turning water into this
What is wine
Methuselah lived this number of years
How many is 969
This animal swallowed Jonah
What is a whale or great fish
He named 4 books after himself
Who is John
These were the only two men who left Egypt and entered Canaan
Who were Caleb and Joshua
Only this number of people were saved from the flood
What is 8
There were this many tribes, apostles, and minor prophets
How many is twelve
Both Jonathan and Samson ate this after winning great battles
What is Honey
The Bible is made up of this many books
How many is 66
Name one of the two men that helped bury Jesus
Who is Joseph or Nicodemus
Jesus walked on water with this guy
Who is Peter
Millennium means this many years
How many is 1000
Name one produce the Israelites longed for instead of manna (Numbers 11:5)
Cucumbers, leeks, melons, garlic or onion
The last word in the Bible is this
What is “Amen”
He had uncommon strength as a result of never cutting his hair
Who is Samson
God provides Israelites water in the wilderness from this object two times
What is a rock
For people all around the world, there are how many paths to God and heaven
What is one
Jesus will return to earth on this color animal
What is a white horse
Jesus died at this age
What is 33
She had twelve brothers but was the only daughter of Jacob
Who is Dinah
The first plague in Egypt turned water into this
What is blood
The book of Psalms has is the longest with this many psalms