the first two deciples that Jesus called
Andrew and his brother Simon Peter 1/40-42
the river in which John baptized
"Thomas , because you have seen Me, you have believed. _____________________
blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed."
how many leftover baskets of bread was collected from the 5 barley loaves that fed 5000
12 baskets
The pharisees sent priests and levites to ask John who he is , what was his answer
"I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord"
at the wedding in Cana, how many vessels were filled with water and turned into wine
6 vessels used for Jewish purification 2-6
name the garden where Jesus was betrayed
"by this all people will know that you are my disciples,__________________
"if you have love for one another"
how many days was Lazarus in the tomb before Jesus came?
4 days
under what type of tree did Jesus see Nathaniel
Fig tree
name the two sisters of Lazarus
Mary, Martha
where did Jesus heal the officials son who he told "your son will live"
Cana of Galilee
Peter said to Jesus "you shall never wash my feet" what did Jesus answer?
"if I do not wash you , you have no share with me"
Jesus said "destroy this temple , and in three days ill raise it up, they responded by saying it took how many years to build it in the first place ?
46 years
Jesus tells Nicodemus that one cannot enter the kingdom of God unless one does what two things,
born of water, born of the Spirit
what desciple said "why was this ointment not sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor?"
Judas Iscariot
according to the Samaritan woman , who gave them the well where she sat with Jesus
Jacobs well
"I am the good Shepherd, The Good Shepherd lays____________________
down His life for His sheep
how many words were in the shortest verse in the Gospel of John
2, "Jesus wept"
Jesus healed the man blind from birth, what was the reason he was blind?
that the works go God might be displayed in him
at the pool Bethesda Jesus healed an invalid of how many years?
what city was Lazarus from ?
" the thief comes only to steal , kill, and destroy. I came that they may have__________________
life and have it abundantly
how many porches/covered entrances did the pool Bethesda have
when Jesus said " before Abraham was , I am" what did the Jews do as a reaction
they picked up stones to throw at Him
name the high priest that prophesied that "its better that one die, stating that "Jesus would die for the nation"
name of the sea where Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection
sea of Tiberius /Sea of Galilee
when Pilate said "take him yourself and judge him by your own law" what did the Jews answer
" it is unlawful for us to put anyone to death"
when Jesus appears to his disciples that were fishing by the Sea of Tiberias, he said " cast your net to the right" they caught how many fish
153 fish
Jesus healed the blind man , what did he put on his eyes? where did Jesus tell him to go wash ?
Mud, pool of Siloam
what disciple said "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us"
what city was Jesus at when Mary put ointment and and anointed the feet of Jesus six days before passover
Jesus said " I am the light of the world. he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the__________
(hint 3 words )
the light of life"
2 part question
Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross , what did it say? in what 3 languages was it written ?
"Jesus of nazareth, King of the Jews"
Hebrew, Latin, Greek
which prophet did John quote when he said "fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkeys colt"
prophet Zechariah in 9/9