December 23, 1805
When was Joseph Smith Born?
April 6, 1830
When was the restored Church established?
The disciples called to lead the Church. (Luke 6:13)
Who are the 12 apostles?
The instrument that Joseph Smith used to translate the Gold Plates.
What is the Urim and Thummim?
The first person in our ward to bear his testimony each month
Who is Brother Jorgensen?
"If any of ye lack wisdom let him ask of God..."
What is James 1:5?
What is the scripture Joseph Smith read to prompt the First Vision?
The Church was restored in this city
What is Fayette, New York?
One called of God to act as His mouthpiece and given direct revelation for the church
What is a prophet?
The Heavenly messenger who told Joseph Smith there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, containing the fulness of the everlasting Gospel
Who is Moroni?
The number of dedicated temples.
What is 202?
(367 in various stages of completion)
Early Spring of 1820
When was the First Vision?
He restored the authority to baptize by immersion for the remission of sins.
Who is John the Baptist?
Monetary and voluntary donations made by members of the church to help pay for buildings, temples and many church programs
What is tithing?
What is the Doctrine and Covenants?
Bishop Law served his mission here
He was the mayor of this city
What is Nauvoo?
After Christ's New Testament Church was lost from the earth, there needed to be a restitution of all things (Acts 3:21), including Priesthood Authority.
What is the restoration?
1 Corinthians 15:29
What is baptism for the dead?
We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive church, namely apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists and so forth.
What is the 6th Article of Faith?
September 9, 1924
When was President Nelson born?
The illness that infected young Joseph's leg that required operation.
Typhus Fever
The apostles who restored the Apostleship and the Keys of the Priesthood Authority.
Who are Peter, James and John?
The rock upon which Christ declared He would build his Church. (Matt 16:18)
What is revelation?
The full gospel of Jesus Christ, considered a pact between God and individuals who receive priesthood ordinances and agree to live by its terms, essentially encompassing all ordinances and covenants necessary for salvation. D&C 66:2
What is the "New and Everlasting Covenant"?
The number of youth we have in the ward.
What is 86?