What amendment does the Tinker V. Des Moines case fall under?
The first amendment
What did Article I create?
Created the Congress and legislative branches.
What is a direct democracy?
Allows citizens to govern and make laws directly.
What is the First Amendment about?
Protects multiple rights including the free exercise of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly.
What is the declaration of independence?
Declares the British Colonies to be a free and independent country.
What amendment does the McDonald v. Chicago case fall under?
The second amendment
What did Article II create?
Created the executive branch and the presidency
What is participatory democracy?
Values broad-based public participation in governing. It keeps the government close to the people and their opinions.
What is the 4th amendment about?
Protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures and generally requires that searches by the government be done with a warrant.
Who was the declaration written by?
Thomas Jefferson
What amendment does the District of Columbia V. Heller fall under?
The second amendment
What did Article III create?
Created the judicial branch and the Supreme Court
What is a representative democracy?
It is a theoretically more efficient system that allows citizens to elect representatives who govern for them. Allows for a more manageable group.
What is the Fourteenth Amendment about?
Was passed during the civil war. it defines citizenship, protects the right to due process, and guarantees equal protection under the law.
What does the Declaration of Independence rely on?
Natural rights, popular sovereignty, and Social contract theory
What amendment does the Roe V. Wade case fall under?
The fourteenth amendment
What did the Article IV do?
It expanded on the ideas of federalism, noting what states owe to each other and what the national government owes to the states
What is an elite democracy?
Favors allow the best educated and most qualified members of society to govern. Favors having a small group with the best-informed people.
What is the Second Amendment about?
Protects citizen's rights to keep and bear arms.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
The U.S. 1st constitution. It created the 1st national government for the U.S.S
What Amendment does the Brown v. Board of Education case fall under?
The Fourteenth Amendment
What did Article V do?
Provided two methods for amending the Consitution, through bills passed by 2/3 of each house of Congress or by convention of the states.
What is a majoritarian democracy?
Promotes majority rules.
What are the first 10 amendments also known as?
The bill of rights
When was the Articles of Confederation written and what did it rely on?
Nov 15, 1777, and it relied on John Locke's natural rights theory.