Refers to the politics of global social relations in which the pursuit of power, interests, order, and justice transcends regions and continents.
A supranational sphere of social and political participation where INGOs, citizen groups, social movements, and individuals engage in political dialogue, debate, and negotiations with governments, IGOs, and multinational corporations.
What is the global civil society?
Refers to the use of violence by non-state groups or networks to achieve political change
What is terrorism?
These are entry points for migrants in urban areas.
What are arrival cities?
This refers to the institutionalized structures with written rules and enforcement mechanisms (e.g., UN treaties, WTO trade agreements).
What is formal governance?
A historical process that connects distant communities and expands power across regions and continents.
What is globalization?
Main sources of power of global civil society (at least two)
What is:
Information politics: Gathering and distributing information to shape policy debates.
Symbolic politics: Using symbols, images, and narratives to mobilize support.
Leverage politics: Pressuring powerful actors to support their cause.
Accountability politics: Holding governments and institutions accountable.
Global campaign politics: Coordinated efforts across countries.
Main causes of terrorism (at least 2)
What is:
Political grievances (oppression, occupation, failed states).
Economic inequality (poverty, unemployment, lack of opportunities).
Religious extremism (radical interpretations of religious texts).
Globalization (cultural clashes, perceived Western domination).
A group of innovative, knowledge-based professionals (artists, engineers, entrepreneurs) who drive economic development.
What is the creative class?
This refers to the unwritten norms and practices that shape political behavior (e.g., diplomatic backchannels, G7 agreements).
What is informal governance?
The dimensions of globalization
What is:
Economic globalization: Expansion of global markets, trade, and financial systems.
Political globalization: The rise of international institutions, legal frameworks, and governance structures.
Cultural globalization: Spread of cultural products, ideas, and values across borders.
Operations of transnational advocacy networks (TANs) (3)
What is:
Build links among civil societies.
Change the terms of policy debates.
Frame issues in ways that gain public and elite support.
Main types of terrorist organizations (at least 3)
Left-wing terrorism
Right-wing terrorism
Religious terrorism
Ethno-nationalist terrorism
State-sponsored terrorism
The 3 T's and their role.
What is:
Talent: Educated/skilled workers.
Technology: High-tech industries and research.
Tolerance: Cultural openness and diversity.
These states benefit from formal rules because they provide predictability and legal protections.
What is smaller/weaker states?
Crises faced by the modern state due to globalization (Manuel Castells) (4)
What is:
Crisis of efficiency: States struggle to manage global economic and security issues.
Crisis of legitimacy: Citizens lose faith in national governments.
Crisis of identity: National identity weakens as people associate more with global or regional identities.
Crisis of equity: Economic inequalities widen due to globalization.
Refers to when a government refuses to address an issue, domestic groups seek international allies to pressure their government externally.
What is the boomerang model?
Methods of combating terrorism (at least 4)
What is:
Military responses (drone strikes, special operations).
Intelligence cooperation (sharing data between countries).
Economic development programs (reducing poverty, education).
Counter-radicalization programs (deradicalization, community engagement).
The role of social capital in urban economic growth.
What is strong social ties create supportive communities that foster economic success?
These states benefit from informal rules, as they allow flexibility and influence outside of formal institutions.
What is powerful states?
Sassen’s main argument in Losing Control
What is that globalization has created a new geography of power where power is distributed differently than before?
Other necessary conditions for landmine treaty adoption.
What is:
International collaboration between NGOs and governments.
Global public awareness and pressure.
Advantages Al-Qaeda gains from globalization (3)
What is:
Decentralization: Harder to eliminate leaders.
Transnational reach: Can recruit and train members globally.
Technological use: Online propaganda and recruitment.
This is Saunders' main argument in Arrival City.
What is:
Migration from rural to urban areas is the most significant global trend. Arrival cities are key to global economic development.
According to Randall Stone, international regimes include these.
What is both informal and formal rules?