Is the act of making false statements to hurt a person's reputation
A person who ridicules, taunts, or otherwise harasses someone on social media is engaged in
Limits government action, setting forth what the government cannot do
Libel and Slander are examples of __________ speech. (Unprotected/subversive/seditious)
The _______ Amendment provides for a speedy trail by jury.
A statement said in public that holds a person up for contempt or ridicule is known as
Explain the purpose of civil rights
Specify what the government must do.
List two kinds of speech protected by the First Amendment
Spoken words & Symbolic Speech
The ______ Amendment provides for fair treatment in the legal system.
A speech that advocates overthrowing the government and resisting the law is
The power of government to take private land for public use
Eminent domain
List the four freedoms protected by the First Amendment
Religion, Speech, Press, and Assembly
What are two aspects of due process?
Procedural & Substantive
The _______ Amendment provides for protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.
the government must act fairly toward all persons
Due process
List the names of the two clauses that address religion in the First Amendment and explain them
Establishment Clause: States the U.S. government must remain neutral toward religion
Free Exercise Clause: Protects a person's right to worship or to believe as he/she wishes without government interference.
What is the Freedom of Information Act?
Gives Americans access to personal information the government has collected about them.
The _______ Amendment states that there are other rights that may exist aside from the ones explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights that cannot be violated. (Non-enumerated rights)
Orders law enforcement official to explain why a specified prisoner is being held
Writ of habeas corpus
Public nonviolent refusal to follow a current law or laws is an act of
civil disobedience
List the two most important aspects of the 14th amendment
-Applies to all Americans regardless of race
- Requires that states provide equal protection under the laws, follow due process of law, and respect all legal rights of all people within their jurisdiction
What are two government actions undertaken to protect the right of privacy?
-Regulations to protect the privacy of medical information
The _______ Amendment was added to the Constitution to limit the actions of state and local governments.(Citizenship rights and Equal Protection)