The book is _____ top of the desk.
If you don’t feel good, you can say this phrase.
under the weather
These goals are clear, can be measured, and have a time limit.
SMART goals
This hobby includes a camera.
This method helps you organize tasks into most important and less important.
ABC method
This word means two things are very close to each other, side by side.
next to
This phrase means something will never happen.
when pigs fly
This phrase means to aim for very big or amazing goals.
shoot for the stars
This sport is considered extreme and is done in snowy mountains.
This word means something that must be done right away.
The backpack is _________ the table.
If something is very expensive, you can use this phrase.
costs an arm and a leg
This word means checking how much you have done.
Phrasal verb for when you want to start a hobby.
take up
Phrase for something that takes up a lot of time with no results.
time blackhole
You use this word to describe something on the other side of you. ex. The window is ___ ___ my desk.
across from
If you lose control of a situation, you can say this phrase.
get out of hand
This word means a small step to help you reach a big goal.
If you want to feel calm after a busy day, you might do this.
If you ask someone else to do a task for you, you are doing this.
She is waiting ___ the car.
When you are close to the correct answer
in the ballpark
This phrase means to continue doing what you need to do to reach your goal.
stay on track
This word means spending time with friends or talking to people.
If you wait too long to do something, you are doing this.