Adam Smith's Formula for Prosperity
Freedom to Try, buy, sell, and fail
Founding Father; Primary writer of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Principle 1: The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is...
Natural Law
Principle 11: The majority of the people may.... or... a government which has become tyrannical.
alter; abolish
The Articles of Confederation was a first attempt to balance between __________ and __________
Tyranny and Anarchy
The advance of mankind more in 200 years than had been seen since the beginning of human history.
5,000 year leap
True/False: Hundreds of entities, including the British, were printing Continental Dollars during the American Revolution.
Principle 4: Without... the government of a free people cannot be maintained.
Principle 22: A free people should be governed by law and not by...
whims of men
Thomas Jefferson drew from the _________ civilization when he was gaining inspiration for America's government.
Anglo-Saxon, Greco-Roman, and Ancient Israelite
Government forcibly redistributing the material possessions of the people in order to have an "equal distribution of goods."
What is the "yardstick" we use to measure political systems?
Principle 7: The proper role of government is to....
protect equal rights, not provide equal things
Principle 26: The core unit which determines the strength of any society is the ...; therefore, the government should...
family; foster and protect its integrity
Some of the inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation included ________
Promoted by Polybius and others: Form of government with elements of monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy
Mixed Government
Author of the most famous treatise on the Common Law of England. His commentaries were widely circulated in both England and the Colonies.
William Blackstone
Principle 9: To protect man's rights, God has revealed certain principles of...
divine law
Principle 27: The burden of ... is as destructive to freedom as ...
debt; subjugation by conquest
The belief that individual states should have ultimate authority
State Sovereignty
The Separation of Powers between the Federal Government and the States is called...
Vertical Separation of Powers
In 1984, a detailed study of thousands of political documents and speeches written and given in the founding period (1760-1805), revealed that________ was the most quoted source.....
The Bible (particularly Deuteronomy)
Principle 23: A free society cannot survive as a republic without a...
broad program of general education
Principle 19: Only... and carefully ... powers should be delegated to government, all other being...
limited; defined; retained to the people
On the political spectrum, the Articles of Consideration were closer to__________