Constitutional Principles
Historic Documents
Federal Reserve aka FED
The Ohio Constitution of 1851 fixed this problem by establishing district courts
What is the Ohio Supreme Court found it difficult to meet its obligations?
The 11th, 21st, and 27th were passed to address unique historical circumstances. Explain what circumstances they addressed

11th - Limited federal courts jurisdiction. Ratified due to concerns over extent of power the Fed Gov had

21st - Repealed prohibition. Ratified due to difficulties enforcing the 18th amendment

27th - Congress cannot get pay raise in middle of term. Ratified to address a conflict of interest regarding Congressional pay

Congress cannot establish a national religion
What is limited government
"I wish for nothing more than a good government and a constitution under which our liberties will be perfectly safe. To preserve which, I think the wisest conduct will be to keep ... power in our hands as much as possible, and not wantonly (recklessly) and inconsiderately give up a greater share of our liberties."
What is an Anti-Federalist idea?
Regulating the amount of money in circulation
What is a way the Fed regulates economic activity
The Ohio Constitution of 1851 fixed this problem by requiring major executive officials and all judges to be elected by popular vote.
Most Ohio citizens lacked the power to influence who would hold key judicial and executive offices
Significance of the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th amendments to the Constitution
Provided extensions of suffrage to disenfranchised groups (African American men, women, poor people, and 18 year old)
"Consent of the governed"
What is popular sovereignty
First 10 amendments to the Constitution that were passed as a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists
What is the Bill of Rights
Federal Reserve regulates economic activity by setting this
What is the interest rate
The Ohio Constitution of 1851 fixed this problem by institution debt limitations
What is Ohio was burdened with a significant amount of debt?
The 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments were a part of this era

What is the Progressive Era

16th  - Income tax

17th - Direct election of senators

18th - Prohibition

19th - Women's suffrage

Fed prints more money, Ohio raises sales tax
What is federalism
Idea at the center of the Anti-Federalist papers
What is limited government
End a recession, raise total demand for goods, and reduce tax rates would require this fiscal policy
Conduct elections, raise sales tax, and ratify constitutional amendments are examples of whose job
What is the state government?
The Reconstruction amendments aimed to better society in the South following the Civil War
What are the 13th (outlaws slavery), 14th (defines citizenship) and the 15th amendments (grants African American men suffrage)

What the three branches represent

What is separation of powers

"What security is there, that a man shall be furnished with a full plain description of the charges against him? That he shall be allowed to produce all proof he can in his favor?" is a quote concerning the 6th amendment from
What is an Anti-Federalist
Increase tax revenue, lower inflation, and lower federal spending require this fiscal policy
Participating in a local school board meeting
What is a civic responsibility?

The 12th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd and 25th amendments all "change up" the system by ... (need to get 3 in order to get all of the points)

12th - establishes electoral college; separate ballot for Pres and VP to avoid a tie

20th - shortens period of time between presidents; due to better transportation

22nd - sets term limits for President to 2 terms; FDR had served 4

23rd - Provides electors to District of Columbia; population grew

25th - Sets up succession; JFK assassinated, LBJ has bad ticker


Legislative makes a law, executive vetoes and send back - Legislative passes it with 2/3 vote, Judicial declares unconstitutional

What is checks and balances
Ohio passes a law that says that blacks and whites have to go to a different school due to their race. US Supreme Court cites Brown v. Board when deciding the case and overturns Ohio law
US Constitution is followed because laws of the US take precedence over state law

Federal Reserve sells government securities, increase discount rate and increase reserve requirement are signs of what

What is US economy is experiencing severe inflation
