Civil Rights
The Branches
Basic Principles
Ohio Government

This court case established that segregation in schools was a violation of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. 

Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 


This branch of the federal government is responsible for sentencing offenders. 

The judicial branch


Legislative, Executive, Judicial + impeachment, veto, judicial review

Separation of powers and checks and balances. 


A disagreement over the ratification of the US Constitution resulted in this group of Amendments which reflect the American principle of Limited Government. 

The Bill of Rights

This is the title of the person in charge of the executive branch of Ohio. 

The governor 


This amendment requires that states prohibit denial of voting based on race. 



This branch is responsible for proposing the budget, negotiating with foreign countries, and doing the best they can to ensure the law is enforced. 

The executive branch


Explain which basic principle of American government is best reflected by the amendment process. 

Federalism because the national government must propose and the state governments must ratify; therefore the power is shared. 


The Southern Black Codes which were written following the American Civil War took away basic rights from former slaves. These three amendments were written to help advance race relations following the Civil War. 

The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. 


This is the purpose of the Ohio General Assembly. 

To write the laws of the state and to check the power of the governor. 


These two laws were the pinnacle of the Civil Rights Movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King. One formally ended public segregation and the other ensured equality at the voting booths. 

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965


This is the only branch of government where the American people have direct influence. This branch is responsible for allocating resources to different agencies and has the power to declare war. 

The legislative branch


This is the only branch of government to get their power to check the other branches from a court case rather than directly from the Constitution. 

The Judicial Branch (judicial review comes from the case Marbury v. Madison) 


FDR served too many terms as president and the assassination of JFK lead to the writing of these two amendments. 

22, 25


This is a major difference between the Ohio Supreme Court judges and the Federal Supreme Court Justices. 

Ohio‘s judges are elected whereas the Supreme Court justices are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. 


This is the case that was overturned by the decision in Brown v. Board of Education 

Plessy v. Ferguson 


This branch of government was responsible for helping advance civil rights by sending in federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, where the governor was trying to keeps schools segregated. 

The executive (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)


This amendment is almost solely responsible for granting power to the states and establishing federalism in the United States. 

The Tenth Amendment 


These two amendments helped address the issue of lame duck presidents (due to transportation advancements) and reworked the electoral college to vote for a president and Vice President instead of having the second most votes be the VP. 

20, 12


Amendments to the Ohio Constitution are ratified by this group of people. 

The citizens of Ohio. 


This is the term which encourages public institutions to diversify their hiring practices and allows race to be one of several components in the hiring and college acceptance processes. 

Affirmative action 


Explain how separating power into three branches and giving the equitable checks and balance should theoretically help prevent tyranny. 

If there are three separate branches and Each is able to potentially check the other they can make sure each branch does ONLY their job. There should be not encroachment of power into a single branch of government. 


Identify where, in the Constitution, each of the basic principles is best exemplified. 

Pop Sov - “We the people” / 15, 19, 24, 26

Limited Government - Bill of Rights 

Federalism - 10th Amendment

Checks and Balances - Articles I, II, III

Separation of Power - Articles I, II, III 


4 amendments have expanded the basic principle of popular sovereignty. Identify the cause, the amendments, and the group impacted by the amendment. 

15 - civil war - can’t deny voting based on race

19 - world war 1 and the progressive movement -can’t deny voting based on gender

24 - southern Jim Crow laws - can’t require a poll tax

26 - Vietnam war - can’t deny voting to 18 yr old and older 


This was the primary issue which caused the need to revise the Ohio Constitution of 1802 in 1851 to reduce the power of the general assembly and increase the power of the governor. 

