American Influences
Court Cases
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
The Constitution
The Declaration of Independence was greatly influenced by this Enlightenment thinker
What is John Locke
This court case overturned legal segregation
What is Brown v. Board of Education
The main function of the executive branch is to ________ laws
What is enforce
The legislative branch checks the executive branch through ____________
What is appropriation/impeachment/advice and consent
America is a republic because it has _______________
What is representatives
This English document established that the king had to follow laws and protect his people’s rights
What is Magna Carta
This court case allowed legal segregation as long as facilities were “separate but equal”
What is Plessy v. Ferguson
What is the formula to determine how many electors in the Electoral College each state gets?
What is # of Representatives + # of Senators
The Great Compromise was effective because it allowed small states to benefit most through the _____________ and big states to benefit most through the ___________
What is the Senate and House of Representatives
A nation whose national government has some powers and state governments have other powers uses this type of system
What is federalism
List four weaknesses of the Article of Confederation
What is no executive branch, no court system, no power to tax, no regulation of trade, difficult to pass laws/amendments
This court case protected the rights of citizens while being arrested (bonus for naming the rights)
What is Miranda v. Arizona BONUS: You have the right to remain silent when questioned. Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning, if you wish.
This amendment limited the power of any one president
What is the 22nd Amendment
The Senate and House are different in that the House has the power to __________
What is create spending/tax bills
The idea that a government’s power comes from the people it rules
What is popular sovereignty
These papers were written to support the passage of the Constitution after the failure of the Articles of Confederation
What is the Federalist Papers
This court case established judicial review
What is Marbury v. Madison
The __________ Party wants to give aid to the poor, cut military spending, and care for the environment, while the _________ Party wants to lower taxes, increase military spending, and cut government regulations
What is the Democratic Party and Republican Party
The Senate and the House are different in that the Senate has the power to _________
What is approve treaties/Supreme Court nominees
No branch of government can become too strong based on the principle of ___________
What is checks and balances/separation of powers
This set up the first government in the colonies and was based on Social Contract theory
What is the Mayflower Compact
This court case established that national laws are supreme over state laws
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
If a President does not want a bill passed by Congress to become a law, what two options does he have?
What is veto and pocket veto
The process of redrawing district lines to benefit one party over the other is called
What is reappropriating/gerrymandering
This is the idea (established by the 5th and 14th Amendments) that the government must follow all legal procedures before taking away rights
What is due process