True or False: According to the Declaration of Independence, people receive their rights from the government.
False. People receive their rights from "their Creator." Natural Rights.
The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution are referred to as this.
What is the Bill of Rights?
This means that there is no government at all.
What is Anarchy?
This specific right was further extended by the 15th, 19th, 23rd, and 26th amendments.
What is voting rights?
This amendment includes freedom of speech, religion, the press, and the right to peacefully protest the government.
What is the 1st Amendment?
The philosopher Plato is most commonly linked to this idea when it comes to government.
What is Popular Sovereignty?
These were written in order to gain support for the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
What is the Federalist Papers?
This term refers to the person accused of a crime during a trial.
What is a defendant?
This refers to when a government spends more money than they receive in revenue.
What is deficit spending?
This is the length of a President's term in office.
What is 4 years?
Who is the political philosopher who is responsible for coming up with the idea of Natural Rights?
Who is John Locke?
This agreement solved the overall disagreement between the large and small states over the issue of representation in Congress.
What is the Great Compromise?
This is when special interest groups pay individuals to speak to politicians in the hopes they can sway them toward the group's interests.
What is Lobbying?
This amendment changed the way Senators are chosen. It is now a direct election by the people.
What is the 17th Amendment?
In order for a bill to override a President's veto, this must occur.
What is a 2/3rds vote in both houses of the Congress?
Montesquieu is responsible for this political idea.
What is Separation of Powers?
The federal government gets the majority of its revenue in this way.
What is Income Tax?
What is the 4th Amendment?
What are the principles or ideas about how government should operate?
Third Parties often play this role when they take votes away from one of the major candidates in an election.
What is the role of "Spoiler Party?"
This individual is credited with ideas such as freedom of religion and questioning authority.
Who is Voltaire?
This is the group of advisors that are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Their job is to head several different departments and report back to the President.
What is the Cabinet?
These elections are between members of the same party that determine who will go against the opposition party in the general election.
What is a Primary Election?
What is demonstrated proficiency in English and passing a history/civics test?
According to the U.S. legal system, a defendant's guilt or innocence is determined by who in the courtroom.
Who is the jury?