IMF word for all level of government
What is "general" government
The largest source of revenue.
What are taxes?
In 2023, this country's largest source of income was taxes.
What is both Russia and Mexico?
Consumption of fixed capital
What is depreciation ?
The largest expenditure category
What is social benefits?
In 2023, this country's largest type of expenditure was social benefits.
What is both Mexico and Russia?
Net/gross acquisition of non-financial assets
What is government big I?
The value of the general government budget deficit, as % of GDP, in 2023. +/- 1 pp.
What is 7.6%
In 2020, this country had the larger value for government big I as % GDP.
What is Russia? (5.26% v 1.42%)
Expenditure exceeds Revenue
What is a government budget deficit?
The largest source of tax revenue.
What are personal income taxes?
in 2023, this country had a lower Debt to GDP than Germany.
What is Russia (19.55%) and Mexico (53.1%)? Germany is ~63%,
Net lending/borrowing
What is the IMF word salad for government budget balance?
The value for government big "I", as % GDP in 2023.
What is 3.2%?
in 2012, tariffs generated about 20% government revenue in this country.
What is Russia?