What is the longest amount of time an American can serve as president?
8 years (2 terms of 4 years)
How many political parties does Cuba have?
1- The Communist Party
Define: VETO
the ability to say no to a bill becoming a law
Name the 3 branches of government
Which president ended slavery?
Abraham Lincoln
Name 6 U.S Presidents.
Who took over for Fidel Castro when he died?
His brother Raul
An idea for a law
Who is in the Executive Branch?
Vice President
Members of his cabinet
What is it process of caterpillar turning into butterfly called?
Democracy- everyone gets to vote, different leaders
Dictator- one ruler who controls everything
Explain how communism works.
Govt owns everything, divides all money equally, people get paid same amount for diff jobs
Define: CONGRESS (another name for ___)
Legislative Branch
What are the 2 groups that make up the Legislative Branch?
House of Representatives
How many bones in the human body? (adults)
what is a political party?
What are America's 2 most popular political parties?
A group in the government with certain ideas about how to run the country.
Republican and Democrat
What was the crisis called when Cuba teamed up with Russia and pointed nuclear weapons at the USA?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Define: Capitalism
opposite of communism- people compete for money
What is the highest court in the land?
How many judges are on it?
What do they do?
What branch are they part of?
Supreme Court, 9, settle widescale disagreements between people, Judicial
What is the longest river in the world?
Name 6 Amendments.
Free Speech
No soldiers in homes
the right to remain silent
the right to bear arms
warrant and probable cause
trial / lawyer
crime must be $20 or more
women vote
Which number constitutional amendment do Cubans NOT have? Define it.
#1- freedom of speech
freedom of the press/ assembly
Define: Amendment
one of 27 fundamental rights that was added/ altered in the Constitution
Explain how a bill becomes a law.
Answers will vary:
Bill goes to HOR and Senate
debate on bill
sent to president
veto or if persistent, revote
Say 10 parts of the body in Hebrew
Answers will vary