What is one of the essential elements of state?
Answer is one of the P.A.L.S
What is one of the Examples of Power?
Military Power
Power of the People
Domestic Power of the State
Influence and Diplomacy
Economic Power
What is Democracy?
Government for the people, of the people and by the people.
Rule by the nobility.
What does P.A.L.S stand for?
Power, Authority, Legitimacy, Sovereignty
What is Sovereignty?
Sovereignty: Utmost authority in decision making and in maintaining the order of state.
What is an Authoritarian Dictatorship?
A government with one person with all the power.
Plutocracy means...
Rule by the wealthy
What is Legitimacy?
Legitimacy: Is the belief of the people that the government has the right to make public policy.
What is the difference between representative and direct democracy?
In direct democracy people vote on everything and are themselves the lawmakers
Representative democracy has people elect representatives.
What is a theocracy?
Government where the legal system is based on religious texts. The ruler may also rule in the place of God on earth.
What is a Technocracy?
Government that is controlled by an elite of technical experts / "the smartest people."
Often used to insult a government in power they might be called ______________
What is Authority?
Authority: The right of an individual or group to exercise power.
Define Oligarchy
Oligarchy is rule by a group.
What is the absence of government?
What is a Diarchy?
Two people rule.
If a country cannot enforce its laws within its own territory than it lacks _____________
What is Power?
Power: The ability to do something or act in a particular way, or to force or compel another actor to act in a particular way.
Rule by a king or queen
What does Sortition mean?
Government is decided by lottery.
If people question whether the government has the right to make laws or public policy it is lacking ____________