Liberal or Conservative? Part 1
Liberal or Conservative? Part 2
Media Literacy
Fact Checking

"Car companies need to make more electric vehicles."

Liberal view

(Pass laws that address environmental concerns)


"Marriage should only be between a man and a woman."

Conservative view

(Want laws based on Christian/Bible values)


True or False:

The U.S. Constitution requires that all forms of media and individual citizens must tell the truth. 


Freedom of speech in the United States prevents the government from passing this kind of law



Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are abducting and eating peoples' pets. 


There is no evidence to suggest that any Haitians have stolen or eaten pets. The lady who originally reported her cat missing found it in her basement the next day. The lie that pets are being eaten by immigrants was created by the Trump campaign to get voters mad at immigrants. 


True or False:

Every person in the history of the U.S. has had the right to vote. 


Many people were denied the right to vote throughout U.S. history, and had to fight to gain it. 


"The government should use more tax money to pay for drug addiction treatment for the homeless."

Liberal view

(Want tax money used to help people in society)


"Women are better at cooking and cleaning, so they should take care of the family while the man of the house works."

Conservative views

(Traditional family values)


Identify the bias and explain how you know:

Headline: Bakersfield Police Department officers are 2.3x more likely to stop Black people than white people, according to a 2023 report.

Liberal bias

Evidence: This article is highlighting an issue related to racism in Bakersfield --> Liberals want to raise awareness about racism and discrimination. 


Fact Check this image. The first group who finds the truth can raise their hand to answer.


The photo is fake. The man photographed in the middle was actually Montel Williams, a television host. Diddy's face was edited into the picture. 


Who had the right to vote when the Constitution was created in 1788?

White men 21+ who owned property. 


"We should continue using tax money to make equipment and vehicles for the U.S. Army."

Conservative view

(Military Strength is a major priority)


"The government should pass a law requiring companies to give women at least 2 months off after having a baby."

Liberal view

(Regulations on how businesses operate = protect worker's rights)


Define "Media Literacy."

Media literacy is the ability to analyze information presented in the media and determine their accuracy/credibility. 

**Your answer must be similar to receive points**


Fact Check this image to find out if it is fake. The first group who finds the truth can raise their hand to answer.


The photo is real, and not AI-generated or digitally altered in any way. Photograph was taken by Johnny Nunez on March 11, 2005. 


Who gained the right to vote when the 15th amendment was passed in 1870?

All men regardless of race.


"Businesses and millionaires should pay less in taxes so they can hire more workers."

Conservative view

(want lower taxes for businesses and individuals, rich included)


"Police officers should have to wear body-cameras to prevent them from abusing their power."

Liberal view

(Fix issues related to racism and discrimination)


Identify the bias and explain how you know:

Headline: New environmental law harms millions of oil-field workers.

Conservative bias

Evidence: The newspaper is negatively describing an environmental law --> Conservatives do not view the environment as a concern. 


Fact Check this image. The first group who finds the truth can raise their hand to answer. 


Kamala Harris has never "vowed to be a communist dictator." Elon Musk posted this AI-generated, fake, image in hopes of confusing voters. 


Who gained the right to vote when the 19th amendment was passed in 1924?

All citizens including women.


"The government should make LGBT+ marriage legal in all states."

Liberal view

(Fix issues related to racism and discrimination)


"Businesses should be able to dump waste into rivers without being fined or punished."

Conservative view

(Government should not restrict how businesses operate, the environment is not a concern)


Identify the bias and explain how you know:

Headline: Louisiana violates First Amendment by passing new law requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in all public classrooms. 


Liberal bias

Evidence: The newspaper negatively describes a conservative Louisiana law requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in public schools --> Liberals do not want laws based on religions. 


Fact Check this image. The first group who finds the truth can raise their hand to answer.

Claim: Donald Trump praised North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, saying "He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same."


The claim is true. A video recording authentically captured Trump saying these exact words. The recording was taken in 2018. 


Use google to find the exact percentage:

What was voter turnout in the 2020 election? (How many people chose to vote in 2020?)

66% of registered voters (154.6 million people)
