The branch that makes the laws
What was the document called the created a strong government?
The Constitution
A group of advisors to the president
What was the Americans first attempt at setting up a government?
Articles of Confederation
In conflict with the Constitution
The branch that carries out the laws
What are the three parts of the US government called?
A formal agreement between two or more nations
The system that kept any branch of government from becoming too powerful
Checks and Balances
What are the two houses of Congress
House of Representatives and Senate
The branch of government that interprets laws and settles disagreements about them
Judicial Branch
What was the meeting called to improve the Articles of Confederation?
Constitutional Convention
The act of accusing a government official of serious crimes
To reject a bill and prevent it from becoming law
Representatives of the United States in a foreign country
An agreement in which each side gave up some of what it wanted
A series of agreements that ended the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris
The farmers fight against the Articles of Confederation
Shays's Rebellion
Name one of the important figures of the Constitutional Convention
George Washington
James Madison
Benjamin Franklin
A small army made up of ordinary citizens