How does increasing the speed of transportation affects the price of goods?
Decreases the price of goods
The natural resources used to manufacture a finished good
Raw Materials
The money to pay for all of the startups costs for a new business
What shape is the is system of trade that occurred in this unit
The type of farming you do to feed only you and your family.
Subsistence farming
European countries hoping to be the first to reach Asia for cheaper access to spices started what?
The Age of Exploration
A manufactured product that is sold is called
Finished good
What were the first two colonies that were successful in America?
Jamestown and Plymouth
What was the name of the voyage that went from West Africa to America?
Middle Passage
Which colonial region had flat a landscape, no rocks and a long growing season.
Southern Colonies
Columbus set sail to find a western route to Asia. He never made it, but where did he end up?
Caribbean Archipelago in America
If the prices of raw materials decreases the price of manufactured goods will
What were the first two colonies that failed in America
Roanoke and Pompham
Why was there a labor shortage in the American Colonies?
Most had their own land and needed workers themselves.
The type of farming the Middle colonies used
Must be exact!
Commercial farming of cereal grains
Why did European Explorers fail to find a Northwest Passage?
It did not exist.
To harvest or take a raw material from a colony and export it back to the mother country
In what two ways does the joint-stock company model encourage investments in colonies
1) Encourages people to invest in big projects by reducing their financial risk
2) It allows businesses to raise huge amounts of capital for big projects, like colonies
If you did not have enough labor in the colonies, what would happen to the price of finished goods?
prices would increase
What allowed the New England colonies to develop fishing, trading and shipbuilding?
Natural ports and harbors along the regions coastline
How did the country of Portugal reach "the Indies", What was their route?
Around the southern tip of Africa
What geographic feature had the biggest impact where each European land claim was located
The name of the Dutch colony established in America
BONUS! What was the name of what is now New York City in this colony. (100 points)
New Netherlands
Bonus: New Amsterdam
List the differences between Indentured Servants and Enslaved Persons for the following questions:
Who were they?
How long did they serve?
What treatment was allowed/responsibility did the owner have?
IS: Poor Europeans and some Africans, 7 years, and no harsh punishment/ adequate food, shelter and clothing.
EP: Africans, life, harsh punishment/ cheapest food, shelter, and clothing.
How were the economies of New England and the Southern Colonies connected?
Slaves were brought to the South from West Africa on New England owned ships