What is the school mascot?
The classroom is the only place where Gator Guidelines should be followed.
True or False
What voice level should you have in the hallway?
What does dismissal mean?
Why is it important to have rules and expectations in school?
to stay safe
What does the G in Gator Guidelines stand for?
Give respect
How can you show respect in the classroom?
A. Don't talk when others are talking
B. Yelling out as soon as you know the answer.
What type of line should the class be in while in the hallway?
1 straight line
How should you sit in your classroom while you're waiting for your bus or name to be called?
Which side of the hallway should we walk on?
right side
What is the name of the app teachers use to give points that you earn?
Class Dojo
How would the Greatest Gator Classroom look?
A. Food & trash in desks
B. Students cleaning up their own mess.
How many blocks away from the wall should you be standing?
What would happen if there were no rules to follow during dismissal?
Things would be chaotic or a little crazy; everyone would be loud or running around
If you make a mess at the water station what should you do?
Clean up small messes or tell an adult about larger messes.
What can you do to earn points?
A. Do whatever you want
B. Follow the Gator Guidelines
Should expectations be stated in a positive way or negative way?
How many feet apart from classmates should you be?
Orderly dismissal helps us __________.
get home safely & quickly
How should you wear your mask to stay safe?
over your nose and mouth
What does G.P.S. stand for?
Gator Positive Support
Name 3 people who you should show respect to in the classroom?
teacher; classmates; yourself; property; adults/teachers that come into the room; everyone!
What is the countdown to remember hallway expectations?
I should go directly to my dismissal location and not make any extra stops.
True or False
Say all of the Gator Guidelines.
Give Respect/Act Appropriately/Take Responsibility/Own My Actions/Reach My Goals/Stay Safe