What is the part of the plant that takes in water?
The roots.
What do plants needs to grow?
Light, water, soil, air and space.
What is the first stage of a plant's life cycle?
What do humans use plants for?
Food, shelter, clothing, and medicine.
What is an adaptation?
A special feature that helps a plant survive in its environment.
What part of the plant is usually green and helps in making food?
The leaves.
Why do plants need sunlight?
To make food through photosynthesis.
What part of the plant grows underground?
The roots.
How do animals use plants?
For food and shelter.
Name a plant that grows in a desert habitat.
What is the function of the stem?
To support the plant and transport nutrients and water.
What is photosynthesis?
How plants make food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.
What is the second stage of the life cycle?
The sprout.
Name a plant that humans eat.
Examples include carrots, lettuce, or apples.
How do some plants adapt to live in water?
They may have floating leaves.
What is the purpose of a flower?
To help with reproduction by attracting pollinators.
How does water help plants?
It helps transport nutrients and is needed for photosynthesis.
What is the third stage of the life cycle?
The seedling.
What is one way humans can help protect plants?
By planting trees and reducing pollution.
Name 2 habitats where plants might grow?
Wetlands, forest, arctic, ocean, desert, rainforest
What is the purpose of seeds?
To grow into new plants and to reproduce the species.
What happens to a plant when it doesn't get enough nutrients?
It may grow poorly, wilt, or die.
How do seeds spread from one place to another?
Seeds can spread by wind, water, animals, or humans.
How do plants help the environment?
They produce oxygen and provide habitats for animals.
What is the purpose of thorns on some plants?
To protect them from animals that might eat them.