Battements Degages
Disengaged beatings
Entrechat Royale
Royal interweaving
Seconde arabesque croise
Demonstrate and translate all 8 body positions
Croise devant - crossed in front
Quatrieme devant - to the fourth front
Ecarte - to spread
Efface - shaded
A la second - to the second
Epaule - shouldered
A la quatrieme derriere - to the fourth back
Croise derriere - crossed in back
Erect, raised, lowered, turned, inclined
Battement Pique
Pricked Beating
Sissonne en Arriere, Ferme et Ouverte
Scissor-like step to the back, closed and opened
Premiere Arabesque croise
First arabesque in a crossed position
Attitude Efface
Shaded Attitude
Positions of the Arms
première (first), seconde (second), demi-seconde (half-second), troisième (third), quatrième en avant (fourth front), quatrième en haut (fourth high), cinquième en bas (fifth low), cinquième en avant (fifth front), cinquième en haut (fifth high)
Battements Balances
Balanced beatings
Grand Jete en Tournant
Large Throwing Step Turning
Pose Developpe
Posing step with a developing movement
Demonstrate Five Arabesque en L'Air
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th with alternating feet and directions
Which fourth position comes from premiere
Quatrieme ouverte
Deux Grand Ronds de Jambe en l'air avec l'Arabesque
Two large circles of the leg in the air with an arabesque
Entrechat Quatre
Interweaving of Four Beats
Pas de bourree pique
Bourree step pricked
Attitude Croise
Crossed Attitude
Which fourth position comes from troisieme
Quatrieme ferme
Demi-Contretemps, Assemble Elance en Ecarte
Half-counterbeat, assembling step darted in a spread position
Sudden bound
Pas de bourree en Soussus
Bourree step with an under over movement
Name all 7 movements in dance
plie - to bend
releve - to rise
saute - to jump
glisser - to glide
tourner - to turn
elancer - to dart
etendre - to stretch
Which fourth position comes from cinquieme
Quatrieme croise